Hi all. Im still at that stage of learning whats what with my teeth,face pain and all the oddities that go with this cruel pain. I had a throbbing gum sat night,it was my right side,which is the side where most of my pain resides. No teeth were hurting as such,or aching like a toothache,and not like the tooth where i did have infection ,and that hurt like crazy. But when i pressed against the top back molar,it did hurt. Anyway the fear of god fell on me,and i thought please ,no not this again.Anyway i have pressed it several times,but the pain isnt there,only now and again. If it were an infection it would hurt 24/7 ,or is it the ATN. I have booked a dentist appt but am dreading it.
TN strikes again.... :( I hope you feel better soon. Maybe you can ask your doctor for some pain reliever? In the meantime..
Hang in there...
I was advised to have the dentist check it if it's a new tooth that hurts. Although I had a new tooth start hurting last week, and I chose to up my dose of Tegretol first to see if it goes away. So far the Tegretol is helping so I'm pretty sure its the ATN. It's also a tooth that had a root canal years ago, so the root should not be hurting. Aren't teeth that have had root canals not supposed to hurt? Who knows. Maybe they hurt if the root canal fails. Either way, the Tegretol seems to be getting rid of the pain so once again it's the ATN.
i am at the dentist thurs to check.The tooth that did hurt has hurt before,but more so this time. I have a pocket where bacteria collects,so i make sure i keep it as clean as possible with daily flossing,interdental brushing and at mo im using peroxyl mouth wash. It doesnt hurt when i press it now (touch wood) but its the dread of the dentist and infections. Before al this ATN started,i didnt even know what toothache felt like,now im paying for it..........i have taken sinus tabs just in case my sinus 's are playing up. Is it face pain,ATN,toothache,or sinus. Its all so closely connected..........
saoirse said:
I was advised to have the dentist check it if it's a new tooth that hurts. Although I had a new tooth start hurting last week, and I chose to up my dose of Tegretol first to see if it goes away. So far the Tegretol is helping so I'm pretty sure its the ATN. It's also a tooth that had a root canal years ago, so the root should not be hurting. Aren't teeth that have had root canals not supposed to hurt? Who knows. Maybe they hurt if the root canal fails. Either way, the Tegretol seems to be getting rid of the pain so once again it's the ATN.
I did wonder,as ive heard people on hear say about tooth ache,but its not something ive had as such,even though my teeth and gums hurt (if that makes sense)
Min said:
TN strikes again.... :( I hope you feel better soon. Maybe you can ask your doctor for some pain reliever? In the meantime..
Hang in there...
I get intense aches in my gums as part of my atn.
Me too Lisa..I still get aching where my tooth USed to be....:( So pulling didn't help. And it does make sense Barbara, I've had the insides of my cheeks hurt at times, and felt like I swallowed a porcupine before too. I've also had where my teeth roots all along the upper right jaw felt lik hot electric burning prongs going into my jaw. I could say more but I won't. Of course, it is all controlled now. Thank goodness. And hopefully will stay that way..I hope yours goes away for you tooo!!!
Hi Barbara,
It’s good to have the Dentist rule out any teeth/gum issues. Do you clench or grind? Could have to do with the pain you felt when you pressed down on your molar. I was clenching and grinding from the ATN pain and I now wear a night guard which helps with tooth pain and saves my teeth from damage.
Could also be the ATN, it does cause gums to ache and teeth to hurt. Best of luck with your appt. keep us posted.
hi erica. It was an infection in my top right molar (last one). I have a pocket that collects bacteria,so have to keep it clean,but obviously this may happen from time to time. My pain is changing,it seems deeper somehow,and my face is starting to hurt if i press the right side.I know the infection doesnt help,so will wait and see what the anti bitics do.I think she got the gunge out as she said she did,so am being more cleaner with my teeth.I have the neuro appt soon,so will tell him about my pain changing.I too have a night guard,its not helping as much at the mo,but am sure it will be ok once this infection clears up. I hope the pills work.
Erica328 said:
Hi Barbara,
It's good to have the Dentist rule out any teeth/gum issues. Do you clench or grind? Could have to do with the pain you felt when you pressed down on your molar. I was clenching and grinding from the ATN pain and I now wear a night guard which helps with tooth pain and saves my teeth from damage.
Could also be the ATN, it does cause gums to ache and teeth to hurt. Best of luck with your appt. keep us posted.
I hear you with the tooth/ gum pain. My problem was I couldn't point to the tooth that hurt. It seemed like it was all my teeth on the right side. 8 months ago had a full dental check including xrays. Nothing showed up yet my pain was debilitating. Eating drinking and talking was very painful. I thought I was going mad having all this pain but no diagnosis. Then came the earache, jaw ache, gum pain and needle pricks in the face. Oh the joys (not) of yet another long journey that finally led me to the diagnosis of TN. Just getting diagnosed was a relief in itself. So glad to be able to hear and share on here it all helps :)