Tomorrow is TN Awareness Day! How will you celebrate?

I am spending the day with a couple of girlfriends. We are wearing our teal. I have made some ribbons and will proudly pass them out. I even have a couple of friends who are lighting up their porch lights in teal! I saw a lady on Facebook is trying to make a human ribbon in her hometown and the local paper is covering it. Great awareness for our disease! Little things like this give me Hope. . .

I wanted tomorrow to be some big day, but it’s mostly going to be just another Monday with the husband at work and my oldest at school. However, I think I’ll wear teal, and take my baby to the park or something, without fear of attacks. I carry a medical card with the name of the disease, and my allergies and stuff, and now if I have pain, I can flash the card to whoever might be worried. It’s just a little extra security.

That sounds like a nice day. I know today is so windy and I am stuck in the house. I sure hope tomorrow is better! I actually normally wear a medical id bracelet. I hope you have a good day at the park and it works out for you.