TN spasms while sleeping

Middle of the night i was woken up with excruciating stabbing pain in my gums/teeth area. Before I went to bed, my TN was bothering me and I was only able to sleep flat on my back. I was hurting so bad all I wanted was pain drugs.

Last visit with my Pain Management Dr he prescribed tapentadol. It stopped the pain and my ability to sit up in the bed. Once I was able to get up, nausea set in. Thank God my husband brought me crackers. That settled the tummy down. However dumb me should have known not to take strong pain medicine on an empty stomach. That might have been my last time to take this drug.

I did not think TN spasms would happen while resting. Has anyone else experience the same?

I am looking forward to my appointment with neuro surgeon 4/7. I hope he is able to help me.

Hi Kelli

Yup - me too, in my gums and teeth exactly as you described. It's very scary being woken up like that, I absolutely dread the night attacks and always worry when I go to bed. I'm sorry you've experienced this too. It's not fun.