TN Fact Sheet and Video

For information on Trigeminal Neuralgia

Type 1 and 2, see Fact Sheet.

A very useful two-hour film:  Dr Ken Casey speaks to a TN support group:  See Vimeo.

TN Patient Survey

A patient to patient survey of TN sufferers has been announced on Facebook [Tnnme Trigeminal Neuralgia].  To participate, please just fill it out ONCE. Be sure to SUBMIT your answers at the end.

See Survey.  

"I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends"

Ben's Friends and Living With TN are featured in an editorial on Rxisk, a UK website concerned with risks and side effects of medication. As written at the conclusion of the article, "support sites are about the members, not the moderators. The model is collaboration, not authority or control – a model profoundly different from much of mainstream medicine and mental health. Doctor-patient collaboration and mutual learning are the model of the future. And Ben’s Friends are pointing the way.

- See more at:[link]


Survey of Patients Referred to Psychiatrists and Psychologists. 

The Ben's Friends support communities conducted a survey in February 2013.  We wanted to learn about your experiences (positive and negative), if you have been sent by a medical doctor to a psychiatrist, psychologist, or other mental health professional. Detailed results of this survey are posted for Ben's Friends membership and the public. A summary of findings was published in the blog of Dr Allen Frances, MD, on Psychology Today.