TN and tongue numbness?

So since im new to this I am curious if anyone has this issue? Since the doctor diagnosed me and started my meds ive noticed I can no longer drink sodas they all taste flat my tongue cannot feel the carbonations bubbly sensation but when I swallow I can feel it in my throat. I know this probably sounds weird and its awesome for me as away to ge these horrible sugary beverages out of my diet but it concerns me also?..

The anti-seizure drugs and TCA drugs generally slow down the firing of nerves in your face and body, JoAnna. It's not unusual for one of the side effects to be an altered sense of taste or even numbness in the tongue. Alternately, you could also be dealing with some form of parasthesia associated with glossopharyngeal neuralgia. It's hard to know which effect is acting. Still, it would be wise for you to report this effect in your next appointment with your primary care provider.

I was on a medicine about three years ago, I cant remember the name ( I've tried a bunch!!) , it made everything carbonated taste "DIRTY" It almost would make me sick to my stomach to drink anything bubbly. You may just be having a side effect to a med, I would concern myself because it may become a choking type hazard. When I have a bad flare up I sometimes have tongue numbness and slurring of my speech, has your meds came to a level in your body to help yet? When I first got my diagnosis I laid in bed for four days in horrible pain and couldn't nor didn't want to talk while I waited for my meds to kick in.

Plain Joe

I find that carbonated drinks cause pain in my mouth, my tongue especially. I find the medicated mouthwash to be very effective when I experience this pain.

I can happily say my tn pain is finally in remission after 3 long months I have finally been able to ween myself of the meds without another flare up and im noticing the longer I have been off the meds im starting to regain feeling in my tongue. My doctor told me she felt strongly it was the meds that were causing the numbness which was the tegretol and topamax

Mine is not to to due to meds. but to failed gamma knife and mvd,and after 20+ years I was just diganosed with glosspharyngeal neuralgia last week.It was suspected the last 3 years,I guess I was just hoping it would GO AWAY!! Know such luck. My whole tongue is numb on top and underneath and the whole rightside of my mouth.It is a real strange feeling.That is why I went back to drinking water,it really is better,cheaper,because all soda taste flat and nothing has much tase anyway. My stomach doesn’t always like it but I eat alot of the spicey hot cheese.It is something I can taste,I use to never like spicy anything.TN changes everything, Somtimes it may just take time on meds. and your taste may get better ,mine did after a good 2-3 months on I think pamalor,that was years ago. Wishing you the best dawn

I have tongue pain and numbness on the right side. Mine is not from meds. It is TN. It does come and go with my flare ups on that side. It drives me nuts.

Mine is not due to meds either my whole tongue and sometimes just the left side as well as along the left side of my throat gets a numb, tingling and bad burning feeling.

My face, tongue and lip( all on the right side) are numb pretty much all of the time. The feeling is not dissimilar to an injection by a Dentist that is just starting to wear off. Pain is secondary to the numbness and that comes and goes. This is just the way my ATN is!!

Thank you Justjane37 for the great diagram! Best information I've ever seen!!
justjane37 said:

Your welcome! Visuals are huge with understanding this. I used to get a lot of anxiety with my pain--always fearing it was something more sinister (if there are things more sinister then TN?) and seeing where the nerves are and how my pain matches up really helps.

My tongue has felt numb or fuzzy for a few years. I think it's part of the nerve damage from the gamma knife. The left side of my face was left numb from the corner of my eye to my chin.

Recently, 11 years after Gamma Knife, my tongue feels numb and my teeth feel soft and numb. Teeth feel fuzzy as well.
I went to a new dentist and he claims it’s not my teeth. So disgusted, this TN never quits. Wish there was something I could do. Thanks, Mark

Has gotten worse. Feels like coating of slime on my teeth and tongue. Yuck.

When my tongue burned, after a round of steroids, I thought I was allergic to the Prednisone in high doses. A doctor at Patient First scraped my tongue and tested it for thrush, but it wasn't thrush, even though it felt like thrush. We treated it with Nystatin swish & spit. It helps but it doesn't totally resolve it; it just comes back. I drink a LOT of Pepsi -- about 5 cans a day. I occasionally have hot or iced tea, OJ, and some water. Shame on me, I know, but I just don't feel alive without my Pepsi!

Have a new issue. I have what feels like a coating on my upper front teeth. Teeth and tongue feel numb also. My new dentist claims it's not tooth related and must be nerve damage from the gamma knife I had years ago. This thing just won't leave me alone. :(