This Thanksgiving, I'm Thankful For

In America, this Thursday is Thanksgiving. We spend the day thinking about what we are grateful for and also eating a lot of turkey and pie. :)

I thought it would be fun to start a discussion on what we're all thankful for. I'll get it going:

I'm thankful that my wonderful girlfriend, Vanessa, accepted my marriage proposal last weekend. We're all smiles here. :)

I'm also thankful that this community exists and helps so many people. We started Ben's Friends ( 6 years ago and now over 80,000 patients and loved ones visit all 35 sites every month. It's truly a little Internet miracle.

I'm grateful for the community, the friendships and especially thankful that the volunteer moderators donate so much of their time to help others. Thank You Mods!

Ok, that's what I'm thankful for. How about you? Let us know below.


Good idea Scott!

I am grateful that I am pain free today and for my husband, children, cats and community. We are sending food to a shut in Sunday and I am grateful we can give.


Congrats on your engagement Scott. I am thankful that so far today I am pain free. Also that my family will be coming over to have Thanksgiving dinner. I am also thankful for this website.

Today, 2 weeks post MVD surgery, I am thankful to be pain free and to be able to eat Turkey with my family. And I am also thankful for this community.

Love ya Scott thankful for you and Ben

It's a couple days past Thanksgiving, but I give thanks everyday to finding Dr. Stephen Haines at the University of Minnesota, who performed MVD on me four years ago and gave me a life free from GPN pain. I will forever be thankful for my successful surgery. I too am thankful for this website. Even though I didn't discover this website until I was past the point of needing support, I'm glad I've been able to occasionally offer hope to others going through the same thing I went through. Thank you, Scott & Ben, for giving people like us a place to come for support and advice. You are both angels.