Think it's coming back! Opinions please! I am scared!

So I had type 1 TN in the second section which I believe is called V2 for about 2 years until finally having MVD surgery in April of 2012. For several months now every once and a while I will start having some little amounts of aching in my face and I would start thinking that it was coming back and it would stop so I wouldn't think much of it. The reason that I though the aching was a sign that it was coming back was because when I had TN before my surgery if I went into a remission when it would come back it would often start with a day or two of aching before the electric type shocks. Now I am having that aching again but this time I am also feeling some uncomfortable pins and needles sensations but it is in V3 no as well as V3. Just now I had a couple of pains in my jaw that hurt but weren't quite shock like. I am so scared that this is coming back. I would like to hear from people about what they think and what I should do or if maybe you had MVD and it came back what your story is. Please I would love to hear from people who understand because my family listens and cares but they don't really understand how awful this is! I hope that I am just going crazy because I would rather go crazy than have it come back!


I have never had an MVD so I can't comment on how they work or how long the pain stays away.From what I have read here the pain sometimes is permanently gone but in alot of cases it comes back..But that doesnt necessarily mean yours is coming back.I can see where you could have alot of anxiety developing about this. When ever my pain goes away for any lenght of time I worry every day that it will start back up..When it does I start back up on my medicine..I wish the pain would go away permanently....Hopefully someone who has had an MVD will come along and tell you their story..

Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you have a wonderful one...

stephanie said:


I have never had an MVD so I can't comment on how they work or how long the pain stays away.From what I have read here the pain sometimes is permanently gone but in alot of cases it comes back..But that doesnt necessarily mean yours is coming back.I can see where you could have alot of anxiety developing about this. When ever my pain goes away for any lenght of time I worry every day that it will start back up..When it does I start back up on my medicine..I wish the pain would go away permanently....Hopefully someone who has had an MVD will come along and tell you their story..

Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you have a wonderful one...


Sorry to hear this. I was advised by my Dr that if I felt pain was returning that I increase my dosage of my meds. By doing that you might avoid major pain. Check with your Dr on this. When these aches/pain goes away you can reduce the dosage. When my pain was realllly bad my Dr had okay end “off the grid” medicating meaning I could go up to a certain amount as w had discussed. I was advised now that I had MVD this fall that even though I am on a low dose of Carbamazepine if I feel pain to gradually increase to feel less pain

I hope this is a short term “twinge” that leaves you soon

Sorry I do not have a magic wand…POOF…begone pain!!!

Wouldn’t that be grand!


I wish i had an answer for you… One day at a time… Though
Stressing can aggravate all nerves in your body