The sun has started shining here in the Carolinas! Last summer I stayed away from sunglasses because they caused me to flare up. I decided this weekend to sport some shades… boy, did I pay the price!
I suffer from TN1 & times of TN2-
Am I the only one that can’t wear glasses? Is this normal? Any suggestions?
Help please:)
I have a hard time with sunglasses too. I am still trying to find an adequate solution myself so I’m interested to read the responses. So far I’ve been settling for hats mostly.
I have seen sun visor hats that you wear on head that have "green/clear" lens for the bill of the visor.
Probably only for looking up!
I need to wear fleece hats or hair bands so the stems don’t actively touch behind my ears (same for reading glasses).
Also, sadly, sunlight itself can be a trigger.
Try the hat/hairband, big sunhat, visor solution and see if it helps. If not, try staying out of the sun at it’s peak hours and see if that helps any.
For someone like me who has been a lake enthusiast my whole life the thought of staying out of the sun is a terrible solution for me. I need a hat with sunglasses that come down off the brim so they don’t touch my nose or behind my ears! Maybe we could start a new trend?!
No glasses or hats for me! Either one causes pain. I have lots of wrinkles from squinting.
I have also wondered how TN sufferers do this. Have you thought about going to an eye glass place and look for the lightest smallest frame and get a non prescription lense put in?
Maybe even get one with "rubber" on the sides.
just a thought, as almost all sunglasses would be too heavy or to thick etc..
Funny this subject came up…I have never had a problem with this…until yesterday!
My sunglasses made me hurt more than I already did. Behind my ear as well as under my eye.
Had to use the visor in the car, (doc appointment) husband was driving…my eyes are sensitive to the sun so I hope this doesn’t last.
The other thing to be really careful of with sunglasses is putting them on and taking them off. At times I have been careless and whipped them off quickly and the stem scraping along the skin and scalp behind the ear or in front as well can set off a cascade of pain. (Same goes for my reading glasses).
Mimi…hope you don’t have a new trigger.
I need glasses just to see and if I am having pain at any level I can't put them on. It's horrible because I can't see to do anything. I don't have a solution, all I can say is I understand.
I swear this website makes me feel less and less crazy everyday. I had a pair of really expensive Prada sunglasses that fit just right and wouldn’t set off my trigger point but they have gone missing I bought an el cheapo pair in a rush just to et me through because my eyes are super sensitive to the sun but they hit multiple trigger points so I can’t really wear them. My eyes have always been SUPER sensitive to the sun. Is this a common trait with TN suferrers? I’ve been so interested to find out that all theweordthingsthat have bothered me have bothered other people too!
Heather, my eyes have become sensitive only the last year or so , and I attirbute it to the Tegretol.( I’m on 1600 mg) at 800 mg, I had no issues with the sun. Problems with thought processing and finding words is also from the meds…
Bella, I think so…new triggers are popping up every couple of days.
I had a soccer game today for my daughter—I wore a hat. I may need to look into some Prada sunglasses:)
I have a friend who is an ophthalmologist and I got them before the TN presented. He let me have anything I wanted at his cost so my $400+ sunglasses cost me like $150. Unfortunately I live 3 hours away from him now makes it hard to replace the missing pair!
I have a pair of Maui's and they broke so I sent them out to be fixed. I wore my mans other spare pair and they did bring on pain. I just got mine back in the mail and there is a big difference. His were too heavy and caused pain pushing on my nose and sitting on my cheek. Mine are really light and I can get away with them. Maybe try a very light pair. I hope it works for you.
I have a pair of those too and yes, they are the best but I still like the stems over something soft. And yes, you have to be careful of the stems, they snap easily.