Sunday, it's a wrap!

So, my weekend was pretty good. Got to do more things than I thought I would, although today I'm suffering because of it. Not a surprise. Friday night, made it to our high school football game, as my daughter is a cheerleader and I hadn't made a game yet. Took like 400 pictures in 2 1/2 quarters. Ha. Had to leave about mid-way thru the 3rd, cuz the breeze was just too much and I was freezing & tired. They won tho!!! So that was exciting, since it was Homecoming!

Saturday, My son had a football game about 18 miles away. Wasn't so bad, but it was windy, rainy & cold. So I struggled to sit there the whole time, but again 400 or so pictures I got! Woo Hoo! Those memories I'll never forget. His team won as well! :)

Saturday evening, the pain set in, the constant burning, zapping, throbbing, under my right lower jaw area, up to my ear, its just! I did manage to watch part of the Iowa/Iowa State Game & the well-deserved Hawkeyes pulled it off, and took home the Cy-Hawk trophy back to Iowa City! Go Hawks! So for the Kothals' family, it was a three-sweep for football this weekend!

Sunday, a MUCH different day. Same pain, Just refusing to take my pain meds, that don't help anyway, and will probably make me become an addict. That's probably one of the things I worry about the most. I work in a pharmacy, I see my share of people who've been on these types of meds for years, who I speculate are addicted to them. I don't want to be "that person" ever. So today I've refused to take my meds. Fortunately, I've managed, to not eat much, or have to talk much. I'm going to have to take my meds before bedtime, but that's ok, cuz I haven't had them for almost 24 hours, so I think that's a victory. I also did make some applesauce today, although I had no energy or will to do it. Did you know that 20 apples doesn't make much for applesauce? Oh well. At least I can EAT applesauce!

This week I'll find out if I've been accepted to be seen at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. I don't know if I want to go there, or if I don't. I can't decide. I know they are the best of the best. Right now, I'm leaving it in God's hands. If He wants me to go to Mayo, then I'll be accepted as a patient. Otherwise, I'll go to Plan B. Which we will figure out later. I just want to follow the path that God has planned for me & my family.

Right now I'm just asking for prayers. That the right medical decisions are made, for my condition, as I know every TN patient has different symptoms and everybody's condition is different. I just want answers, it is time. Just pray. Pray for all my TN friends across the world that I've met either thru this site or via Facebook. We need your prayers for relief of pain, depression, relaxation, energy, and the will to keep on going.

Until next time-

Love & Hugs,
