"Striking Back"

I thought this was worth a mention since there are so many newly diagnosed TN sufferers here. It comes highly reccommended by many that participate in a Braintalk Community Forum…which… by the way is how a few of us found our way here.
The book is called Striking Back:A Trigeminal Neuralgia Handbook by George Weigel and Kenneth Casey M.D. Make sure to get the 4th edition copyright 2004. It is availiable at Amazon or your local library may be able to get it for you.
I devoured this book. It is written in laymans terms by George who suffered from TN. It covers every drug, surgery, alternative treatment etc. in terms that are easy to understand. It helps prepare you for an appointment with your doctor as well as dealing with friends and family. It does not in anyway replace the support and compassion that we are getting from each other on a daily basis here but it’s really a must have for us all.
Wising you all a pain free night!

Hi Judy,

I have just printed off an order form for this book from the uk website. tna.org.uk

Many thanks for recommending it.

Love Jo X x