Just before christmas something snapped. I was eating a crisp (Chips to the North American's) and I had just broken a tooth, snapped in half. I knew because the sheer pressure put shards of tooth into my tongue - owies - Half of the tooth was gone and the filling in it followed pretty quickly too.
I left it. I am adverse, you see, to going to the dentist - I have anxiety issues to start with and a prior crappy dentist - though this one has been awesome so. Meh.
I went, he looked, yeah its going, and because they can not sedate me as previously (Thank you cheating, lousy ex) I have to be referred to a surgeon. Yup this is going to be fun.
The only truest upshot? I am not in TN pain (I am not remitted but I am in the controlled phase, I do get lovely moments of pain that remind me why I take my meds) and this tooth is not painful at all. Or if it is, I am so used to pain I have a different awareness/perception of it. This seems logical since I walked around with two abscesses and never felt them!
Now though, I wait. For appointments, for ... everything.