am so down, my marriage is over, moved out, missing my kids and my wife, saw the surgeon last week and he said there is nothing he can do, they have amended my meds after saying i am serverly depressed and that that is possibly the cause of my pain! i was ok until i started in pain, the pain dr says i have tn and atn, surgeon said he doesnt think it is (there was a small loop on MRI but surgeon says thats not cause of pain) and has changed his diagnosis to atypical facial pain, got referral to psycologist and duloxetine antidepressants as i havent responded to oxcarzepine and ive maxed out on it now. within the last week everything seems to have come crashing down around me, they say bad things come in 3's so will just wait to lose my job and then my house as well. face had been behaving for the last 2 weeks, best since it started and then today kicked off again. i just want to curl up and cry, i dont want to get up tomorrow.
and she has kept my cat!
((( Boris )))
I’m so sorry to read of what you’re going through…
During times like this it’s hard to see the Forest for the Trees, I get so mad when a depression diagnosis is “possibly” the cause of pain.
Here’s where it’s simple…
What came first ?
Pain or depression?
If it’s pain…then OBVIOUSLY depression didn’t cause it, now did it?
Honestly of course we’re all depressed…try living in our shoes!
time to get a second opinion from another surgeon who is skilled in reading mris … small loops on the trigeminal nerve can damage the nerve causing pain. I wonder why he said your loop was not the cause of pain?
Do you have a neurologist or Family doctor helping advocate for you?
Either way Boris, stress aggravates any and all pain, I know under the circumstances it’s hard not to feel stress. Ultimately you need to take good care of you and I really feel you need a second opinion and pain management. Meeting with the psychologist is a good thing. They can help you work through these trying times…providing tools and guidance to keep us from not wanting to get up…
Your kids need you, even if right now you can’t do much they still need you. Let that be your strength to get through each day…the clouds will part, and the sun will shine again…better days are coming, we need to believe it and hold on to hope not just for ourselves but for those who love us.
Sending you positive thoughts …
(( hugs )) Mimi
Oh, Borris, I'm so sorry that this has happened. Mimi is right, your kids need you.
The fact that your face behaved for two weeks in a row is encouraging, though. Please keep posting; we're all here for you.
Thank you
God of all creation I lay at your feet Borris
You know all that he has been through and I pray you would use these circumstances to draw him close to you and know you like he never has experienced. God I pray for his family to be restored and that you would be the center of there home. Please Father help him to rise above his pain. We don't understand why we were chosen to suffer this way but use our circumstances to minister to others and no allow this to make us bitter.
In Jesus Name
Oh my goodness, I just read your post. I hope you are feeling more human. I am most upset that she took your cat! If anyone took our cats ... well anyway your health is most important right now. There is always someone on this site 24/7. I know the pain is overwhelming and hard to describe to anyone. There is help out there. I have suffered with TN for over 25 years now, and finally and the most awesome Neurologist. You have to find one that will work with you and listen to you! They do understand. You have nowhere to go but up. Perhaps another cat will help. I mean it, I couldn't live without them. They understand too. Please find the right medication cocktail that will work for you. Tegretol is what they typically give you, but it is nasty and makes anyone very sad and depressed. You will have to discuss this honestly with your doctor. Please hang in there, there is help, right here in this website. Debbie
Thank you Debbie, am doing OK thanks. Face is behaving reasonably well, good days and not so good days. Not so good days are still better than rolling round the floor crying though.
Am really missing my cat, she just isn't playing fair! No chance of me getting him back anytime soon which sucks. Wouldn't be able to get a new one, would feel like I was cheating on him, how ironic that I wouldn't do that to my cat! Ha ha ha!
Am going to speak to pain management Dr when have next appointment about a surgical second opinion, was not at all impressed with him. Seemed so dismissive, almost as if he had made up his mind before he got mri results.
Am taking things easy as possible, work kids and home. Not much inclination at the moment to do much else.
Things can only get better, tomorrow is a new day, who knows what it may bring.
Thank you all for your kind words. Hope you all enjoy many pain free and happy days
Borris, I get it about not getting a new cat. We are lucky our cats allow us to live with them. They get so jealous. Hang in there and find a doctor who won't dismiss you. Have you researched docs in your area online? Good luck. See you around the Blog. Debbie
Borris so sorry for your situation :(( unfortunately as TN patients we really have to fight for ourselves to be heard by doctors, which is the last thing we want to do in pain. I have also had doctors tell me the pain is psychosomatic. It used to upset me so much, now I just cut them off I know they are wrong. Do you have any opportunity to go to London? They have the best facial pain clinic in the eastman dental hospital. Also get another cat! adopt one, their company is a comfort and when you get your current cat back, he will have a new friend and you will also be saving a kitty! I adopted my adorable cat who had been abused so I feel he understands sadness and pain. When i cry he comes to me and nudges me with his head. Now he lives like a king in my house hehe also have you tried tricyclic antidepressants? hang in there Borris!