Six Months Post MVD

yes, I am alive and well and doing much better. After how cold our Canadian was I felt I would not be doing well. During the month of February I only ventured out approximately 5 days. That was because it was soooo cold and it was windy. Even though bundled up I face protective scarves and hood and door to door dop off and pick ups by hubby I noticed that I was flaring up. I ended up with heating pads, Capsacin and upping my Carbamazepine along with Oxycocet. Fortunately for me the pain started diminishing after a few days.

I now know that I must even now that the weather has gone to plus 5 Celcius that if there is a wind, even small, that I will require a scarfe to keep from having a flare up

I am able to go out more to get some sunshine which brightens my disposition. I was always so positive and upbeat but since MVD and being closeted in over the winter I feel I will become my old self with more life as I believe I will continue to feel better. My head is still sore inside but is getting better.

I am looking forward to a week in Cuba to really uplift mind and body. Nothing like lots of sun, sand and the ocean and swimming pools to boost one’s energy and feel good nature

I regret I have not been a part of any of the discussions for the past couple of months and I truly look forward to joining in after my holiday. I miss the interaction and for everyone in this group of people I say keep up the faith, find something that makes you smile every day and hopefully we may sell truly be pain free

All the best from your friend


Are you saying that after surgery you still had problems?

John. I feel sensations on my right cheek if the wind should be a bit strong. I do not have any of the old TN which was on my upper right jaw and lower jaw which was stabbing and aching every day. That has totally gone. I think I am more paranoid that if a breeze may set off some pain. I try to avoid that. I had a whiplash incident in April and I was advised to go to therapy. That was a HUGE mistake. They gave me a chiropractic who said he would be most careful. However he massaged gently up the back of my neck near to my surgery entry point. The following day I was in excruciating pain. I now know exactly what others with severe TN 1 go through! My right side of my skull where the MVD was done was just electric! Shooting pain every few seconds and this lasted for 12 hours. I did not know where to go or what to do. I landed up on Oxycodone and Lorazepam for a few days. I am doing much better now
John if you are thinking about an MVD be informed and confident in your surgeon. I had heard from another who had MVD and it lasted 10 years before she had to go for replacement pads. My neuro said nothing lasts forever. So I am hoping that after the two year mark that I will be top notch and looking forward to continuing good fortune I do not have the daily pain of TN interfering with my life. For the first time since diagnosed in 2002 I get up each day looking forward to being able to fo most of the things in life I enjoy the most and being pain free. I AM ALIVE I am happy and very very thankful for the MVD giving me my freedom
Thanks for asking.