I went to see my Doctor and he wouldn't touch me as I had developed hot and cold chills and the incision had some scaring and a little red in spots. He told me to call the surgeon and tell him he needs to see me , which I did and his administrative called and told me to meet him at the hospital. I did he looked at me told me that I should not be having pain like this , told me the where the leak was coming from but not from the brain but the bone where the drilled and it can repair inself oncie the tissure starts to grow over, he seen my face twitching real bad and I told him my nose is closed again. He ordered a CT Scan that I had down right there and then. he will call me today if the results are a bone infection that he thinks I might have. I have to go back in to have the surgery done but it is not urgent as long as it is not a bone infection. I have scar tissue buillding up around the teflon. :(
I cannot imagine how horrible you must feel. For you to have to deal with all the post-surgery pain and this - it makes me almost cry. I don't think I could handle it. You are very brave. I hope you have a good support system.
Is a a second opinion possible? If I would have had any of your symptoms post surgery, my neurologist would have had me in the ER immediately.
Stay strong - You've made it through this, you can make it through anything!
Cathie -
I can’t even imagine. I’m so sorry you’re having to go thru this!
Thanks Tara
Nope I do not believe there is, Don't cry there are worse off them me, I have an amazing husband and kids, but my 5 siblings , parents and in laws are all living in Ontario (were we moved from 3 years ago for my husbands job) so that is very hard on me. I need to go back mentally and see them it has been 2 years and my brother is getting married. I will be crushed if I have to go back because I have to ben operated on but I know it is for the best. Feeling this way is terrible I also have amazing boss's and co workers.