Second Time Around

My first MVD was in 2009 and performed at the Manitoba Health Science Centre in Winnipeg. Performed by well known and highly respected Dr. A. Kaufmann, I was totally pain free from the time of the MVD and for about one year. The pain gradually returned until I was back on the same dosage of Tegretol and Gabapentin as pre op.

I am now scheduled for a second MVD this time performed here in Vancouver at VGH. This one is scheduled for sometime in August and I'm just as ready for it as the first one. We all know that there are now guarantees with these invasive procedures but its either another MVD or a lifetime of medications which will eventually stop working. I'm putting my money on the second one working and giving me complete relief from the agony of TN.

But it does have me wondering if there are others who have a second MVD and what their experience is with it? A lot of times people who find relief from their TN tend to move away from groups like this because they return to a more normal life and no longer require the support. But if you have had a second MVD and are still attached to this group I would be most interested in how you are doing.

Thank you in advance for your reply.


there are some on here and on the groups above you can join - MVD group

I'm still new to my #1 --- but would do it again if necessary

Hi James - Did you have the second surgery? I am six months into my first MVD and am having a recurrence of symptoms. I want to know if the second time around went well and are you pain free now? I hope things went well for you. I look forward to hearing your update!

