Second MVD

Just recently my TN came back. I had the MVD 5 years ago and I will definitely do it again if necessary. I can't get into see my Neurologist for another month, but my question is . For anybody that have had the MVD twice. Is the surgery basically the same ? Was it any different than your first one? Just a little worried because my first one went really well. Just a little nauseous but no headache or anything. I read on here they do go through the same opening.

You might also "join" the MVD group thread and ask there too

If I had a second one - I would hope it would very similar - but I think your answer might be


no two are the same : )

My second one went better than my first one. I had a lot better Dr. and knew more about it. I have a little bigger scar but that is about it. There wasn't much else different. I hope everything goes well for you!!!!!