Has anyone had a 2nd MVD Because the 1st didn't work?

I had the 1st surgery 3.5 years ago & now back on meds. The last few years I had a few flare ups but they were temporary. I had a vein that was webbed on the nerve/ artery & thinking it reattached. MRI’s don’t show it & nothing looks changed on the MRI post surgery except the pain is back. Would appreciate hearing if anyone went through it a 2 nd time & or their experience.

I have had two MVDS that were a year apart and was offered a third MVD. The second one was much easier since I knew what to expect and I was more at ease. I also had a vien that wrapped around the nerve and an artery pressing on it. During the second MVD, they rechecked the trigeminal nerve but lso went down my cranial line and looked at my 7th, 9th and 10th cranial nerve. I had compressions on all of those nerves. I have gotten more relief since that surgery but still have pain and back on meds. For myself the second surgery was worth it because each time I have gotten a better quality of life.

Look and join the group "MVD" up at the top

there are a few who have had 2-3 ---- look at doctors at our doctors list - are you having the right type of MRI?

I would only trust a handful of surgeons --- one is mine --- Dr. Ken Casey in MI --- I flew from MO and had success

I had a 2nd MVD. It worked for about 4 yrs. then the pain returned. I was offered a 3rd try by my neuro-surgeon, but I decided not to try again. I'm starting to believe that the less this nerve is touched the better, and if two surgeries didn't fix it then 3 won't be the charm. But that is a decision that only you can make for yourself. Best of luck.

I joined the MVD group ( thanks for the advice) but didn't see any info on what type of MRI? I have an apptmt with the neurosurgeon on Monday and that would be helpful. He has done many but might not be as experienced as your Dr and thanks for the name. I am willing to travel if needed. How long was it before you could travel home?

Kc Dancer Kc said:

Look and join the group "MVD" up at the top

there are a few who have had 2-3 ---- look at doctors at our doctors list - are you having the right type of MRI?

I would only trust a handful of surgeons --- one is mine --- Dr. Ken Casey in MI --- I flew from MO and had success

I had 1st mvd in 2008 it worked for about 3 yrs 2nd mvd in 2011 no compression but the nerves were “cleaned up” had gamma knife 2012 no results yet I go back in aug for mri on right and left sides. I have a wonderful team at MUSC in charleston SC they’re not going to give up until they find me relief. I concider myself very lucky!

Great to have so much support & you are very lucky. My pain most of the time is much less than before the MVD but when my tongue pain kicks in it is painful to talk. Don’t think the meds are great for my memory either! My neuro is also patient & I think a great guy but not as experienced in this procedure. I actually went to him @ my bulging disk & then found out he did the surgery. In my area he is considered the best but does more disk or back surgeries. I saw a photo of someone’s incision & mine was much smaller ( actually have a depression from the removal of bone) & only I and my hair cutter know its there!! Haha . From reading other postings I am realizing how much better I am than many & before the surgery. Again goog luck & we should all keep positive thoughts!!