Recent MVD surgery, still having painm

I had MVD surgery on 3/21/16, they put Teflon in and also cut the 9th nerve. They extreme ear has subsided, however I have a new pain. My entire head hurts to where I can’t function. They doctor said I would have good days and bad ones. However they can’t tell me if this is normal? Has anyone experienced this symptom? Is this apart of the healing processes?

I experienced the head pain after MVD from the pressure of the craniotomy, it eventually did get better but it took several months to heal fully. For me the pain came back more severe and in both ears 8 months after the MVD so I had a motor cortex stimulator implanted but it only helps the right ear pain.

Thanks Stacy.I have recently had a CTA/CT scan which was negative. It did show fluid around the surgery site which I can also feel. The neurologist States the increased new headache is not normal. The neurosurgeon doesn’t say anything one way or the other. The neurologist put me on an antibiotic as a precaution because they can’t figure out why the new headache has started. I guess I just have to deal with it for now.