Question from the New Guy

This is all new to me, yesterday I didn't one episode, this morning I have already had a bunch, I can handle the short bursts behind my eye but the long on hour ones drive me crazy, and I have no idea when one is going to hit, seems like all is fine then BAM there it is, is this the Normal thing?

Hi Ted,
Unfortunately yes.
Sometimes we find things that trigger our pain wind, speaking, chewing, talking, sugar, etc but what triggers one persons pain doesn’t trigger for another.
Sometimes there’s no reason at all.
Trick is trying to find a therapeutic level with your medication to manage your pain.
(( hugs )) Mimi

Thanks Mimi, I just read what I wrote and had to laugh I can tell when the pain hits because I skip words in typing lol , Ive been on 300mg Gabapentin twice a day for two weeks now and upping to 600 this morning that is what the original script was but my body couldn't handle it then hoping it does now

My first 6 months after being diagnosed, I journaled everything. What I ate, the weather, what time I got up, etc and when the pain hit. It was pretty random. I know if it is windy I need to take a scarf or I will be "out of order" for the rest of the day. Also, if it is going to rain. LOL I am more accurate then the weather channel. Sometimes it is for no reason at all. Try to figure out your definite triggers and keep taking the meds and hang in there.