In November, before diagnosis of ATN, I only had pressure in my face. I've had SO MANY more things happen, only in 4 months. Is this true of any other people? It seems to have gone from zero to sixty in .5 seconds.
Went from pressure, to pain, to dizziness. The pain started in maxiliary sinus area, now it is around eye, forehead, maxiliary sinus, top teeth, and sometimes even lower teeth.
And now, I am getting temple pain, sensitive teeth, it hurts to put on make-up. Smiling even is an issue sometimes. I also have long hair. Only past my shoulders, but long and thick and heavy. My hair is starting to affect my TN. Pony tail (high or low), straight, french twist, anything seems to affect my TN. I hate short hair, but I hate TN worse. I cried tonight about my hair... not just because of having to possibly cut it (going to try thinning it first), but because of the TN changing my life so much, so fast.
My cognition impairment has increased too. Before medicine of ANY kind, I would sometimes momentarily forget things. Now, that too, has become more frequent. I used to be good in math, spelling, typing, grammar, and lots of other useless stuff. Now, I almost feel like a dumbass (excuse my language).
I am now on Neurontin though. I seems to decrease the intensity of the pain surges, but makes me pretty tired at times in the day (at 300mg, 3x day). And... not just the drowsy tired. It is a "I haven't been to bed in 2 days" tired.
And the weather, OMG. The drastic changes in the weather... are awful! Whether it is going from rainy to sunny or sunny to rainy... the change in the barometric pressure HURTS! The meds don't seems to help at all with the nutty weather. I live in Nebraska... and if you know Nebraska, you know the weather changes ALL the time. We now are graced with an early Spring with lots of weather changes. High winds, tornadoes, rain, etc. Ought to be good!! NOT!
I haven't been at work for a month. I work for a super company and haven't gotten fired yet. Applied for short term disability until I can (hopefully) get this under some control (if not, Long Term Dis). I need to exercise at least a little... but I don't.
My neurologist wants me to go to a massage therapist for my face. Uh, sometimes just brushing against or slightly scratching my face hurts... what's a massage going to do?? I know my own limits, so we'll have to see.
Sorry about venting... just want to know about how fast all of your symptoms may have occurred.