Hi Everyone,
Without creating or furore, or infringing on personal choice etc. It would be really great if you would put some profile pictures up. If you don't want to put your photo up that's cool, or you may want to just choose a photo that you love :)
If you'd like to put a picture up and you're not sure how to do this, I've put some instructions below..
You can change your profile picture by going to your "My Page" fond in the top banner
•Select “Settings” from the box on the right hand side - over here -----------------------------------^
•Select “Choose file”.located in the middle bar of text. above here ^
This will take you to your PC drive where you can choose your photo file.
Find and double click on the file you wish to use.
•If you wish to realign the photo, select “Edit” at the top of the the middle bar of text. This will open up the picture and let you move the photo around until your happy with its location within the square.
•Select save.
All done - you should now have your personalised profile picture :)