I was looking at all the members names on the home page tonight and saw a field of butterflies..
It would be really great if everyone would either loaded a picture of themselves, or if you're not comfortable with doing that, maybe a picture or photo of something that either reflects who you are, or you something you love... Something you.
I look forward to seeing heaps of colour!
Smiley :)
How to load a picture on to your profile:
Go to the settings option on the right hand bar
At the top of the settings page is a section called "Photo"
Select and click on the "choose a file" button.
Select the photo / picture you'd like to use and double click.
You can then move the photo around until you're happy with the position in the frame and save.
If you need a hand, or have any questions drop me a line..
It really makes a difference when you have a photo. I remember members so much better when I have that photo as a visual cue. Then if I find something helpful for that person, I remember to connect with them
Hi Hopeful - Whilst the Butterflies are beautiful, they are all the same, I'm hopeful you'll show us something that's wonderful to you, that expresses who you are as an individual.. Great communities start with sharing, and having our icons reflect a little bit of ourselves is a really good way of moving towards that.. We're not just our conditions. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have all our icons reflecting the diversity and depth of all the folk in this community? Something to contemplate :).
Wow ! I think its fine to suggest people put in a photo etc.Personally I am not that adept with computers and really do not have the energy right now to try but it is a lovely idea . The butterfly logo is a happy one but photos would be more interesting . I have had Shingles in my Right eye since May and the we had to place a FEMA claim..maybe after all that settles down I WILL try to post a photo.
The Zoster diagnosis in my eye has been "a pill " apart from the pain…there were no lesions so the Opth. kept saying it was a para-migrainous type event " No" I would respond.. " you do not understand ..I am asking God to let me die the pain is so severe ".My ENT ( who first diagnosed the GPN ) had seen a similar case before and said it was Zoster..we finally proved it by DNA testing . Sometimes it is hard to tell what pain is from what etiology .