Posterior fossa exploration

Has anyone here had this procedure done or know how it is done? Is it different from an MVD? I really don't like surgery but I don't like TN either and I am exploring the options available.Thank you...


My nemesis was Carbatrol, until I had an MVD and 2 Radiosurgeries that placed me in an early"retirement".

You have been dealing with TN for quite some time; might I ask why you wish for surgery?

Comparing the (KNOWN) surgical procedures, this is some easy reading;)

I would prefer to talk with you about Nova Scotia, having only visited on 2 occasions, leaving my 18 miles of coastline, though not since my retirement.

Not a Big Pharma fan, however...

Take care, bob

Thank you for replying,Bob. I appreciate it. I read the pdf file, and I have decided against PFE. I was merely courious as to what it was.....I don't wish for surgery of any kind but the side effects of tegretol are a bit overwhelming at times. I don't have

a doctor that knows anything about this disease , basically ,there was no one to talk to about this TN pain except on this site.people like yourself.As you might have read in my profile we only have maybe 2 neurosurgeons in our City,even they don't

know much about it,not having alot of patients with TN, maybe two and I am one of them....the old saying "take a pill and call me in 12 years" applies to me.

But enough about me, now about Nova Scotia, I live in Herring Cove just outside Halifax, I am surrounded by coast lines, I can look out my living room window and see the Atlantic Ocean.When the Tall ships visit they must pass right in front of my house. I hope your 2 visits here were enjoyable for you.

If you ever feel like posting again please feel free ......nice to meet you.


My Mom's Mom (1896-1991) was born in Scotland and immigrated to the states, well, she told me stories of "The Great War".

Halifax was a lesson to the world, and the world is playing catch.

I visited BC and Great Lakes Canada more, though I've lived in New Hampshire for all, save 3 years in Oregon in my teens.

Posterior Fishing Exploration makes me reel in the New neurologist will say that in 12 years. bob