I had surgery to remove a meningioma in April 2014. Initially the pain was gone then graduall increased as the numbness subsided. I am now at the horrific 10+ pain that I was in prior to the surgery. My neurologist locally and the neurosugeon in Pittsburgh, PA strongly believed the pain was completely due to the tumor. WRONG i guess since the pain is back and the tumor is 98% gone. The Pittsburgh neurosurgeon has no idea what could be wrong.
Has anyone any idea about a 'healing process' for something like i described above? The neurogeon id make mention that this could be the cause though couldn't see why.
The pain, fear, depression is more than i can handle but need to stay alive for my family and faith. I don't want to die, I love life but how? I see we all are in the same situation (mostly) but even reading the support I don't feel any better emotionally. I'm so fearful of what to do especially when the top-notch neurosurgeon doesn't know what to do.