Possible healing pain after craniotomy

I had surgery to remove a meningioma in April 2014. Initially the pain was gone then graduall increased as the numbness subsided. I am now at the horrific 10+ pain that I was in prior to the surgery. My neurologist locally and the neurosugeon in Pittsburgh, PA strongly believed the pain was completely due to the tumor. WRONG i guess since the pain is back and the tumor is 98% gone. The Pittsburgh neurosurgeon has no idea what could be wrong.

Has anyone any idea about a 'healing process' for something like i described above? The neurogeon id make mention that this could be the cause though couldn't see why.

The pain, fear, depression is more than i can handle but need to stay alive for my family and faith. I don't want to die, I love life but how? I see we all are in the same situation (mostly) but even reading the support I don't feel any better emotionally. I'm so fearful of what to do especially when the top-notch neurosurgeon doesn't know what to do.

Hi Prudence, I just replied to your other post and then found this one. Stay in faith and try to let go of the fear. Stay strong and seek solutions. Do meds work for you?

I'm allergic to anti-seizure meds except Lamictal though I am now at my max dose with pain progressively breaking through daily. After each dose I have approximately 2-3 hours where I have tolerable (8) pain. That is my window of time to eat, cautiously. I have no other meds to take. I don't have any options if/when I reach a 10+ pain...this is my fear and know that is on the way since this is following the exact progression as before...which is why I gave in the crainiotomy. Thank your words of encouragement Juliet.

Juliet said:

Hi Prudence, I just replied to your other post and then found this one. Stay in faith and try to let go of the fear. Stay strong and seek solutions. Do meds work for you?