Pain in my mouth

I don't know if this is related to ATN, or TN, but I have had pain in the roof of my mouth for about a week now. I just thought it was something I ate at first...but now it is traveling. It started at the very front near my teeth...and now it is at the roof of my mouth. There is no blisters or anything to be just is hard to eat or even drink. It's you think it could just be something I ate?

Well, this is (luckily) nothing that I have ever experienced since the monster bit me. I have had all my teeth ache at the same time, severe pain in my upper right teeth etc. I would think with no definitive injury or evidence of anything wrong with the roof of your mouth, that this is more ATN than TN and the result of some branch of the trigeminal nerve firing close to the upper mouth region. It is just my opinion.

Does this pain cross the ENTIRE roof of your mouth on both sides at once? Normally food allergies do not persist after the exposure ceases. But if you now have pain on both sides of the roof of your mouth and you've ever had Chicken Pox earlier in life, then I think I might be mildly suspicious of Shingles as a candidate to be promptly investigated with your family doctor.

Regards, Red

is it on the same side of your head as your other pain?

They thought I had shingles for the first week before they flipped the diagnosis to TN. If it is shingles are horrible rash will appear with in 7 days. If no rash, then it could be referred pain or some sort of atypical complication

One-sided pain in the roof of the mouth can be an outgrowth of either type of TN (Typical or Atypical, depending on the character of the pain). If there are no blisters within 7-10 days, then I would concur with Albee that you may not have Post Herpetic Neuralgia associated with Shingles.

Regards, Red

I think it is ATN. I can't even brush my teeth on the inside at times because of the pain, but it's usually closer to the teeth. If you ate something that poked the roof of your mouth THAT would set off ATN pain. That has happened to me before but I don't know that it would last for a week tho.. Just a thought. Min

i have the same thing. nerve pain on one section, usually right, then along jaw. i feel the pressure of the scar tissue above it.

D McGinnis said:

Well, this is (luckily) nothing that I have ever experienced since the monster bit me. I have had all my teeth ache at the same time, severe pain in my upper right teeth etc. I would think with no definitive injury or evidence of anything wrong with the roof of your mouth, that this is more ATN than TN and the result of some branch of the trigeminal nerve firing close to the upper mouth region. It is just my opinion.

Hi Stacy,

If it is affecting a nerve, it could be the glossopharyngeal nerve. Red has written a section up top under the tab called "Face Pain Info". He could put all his info about TN in a book that would teach doctors more than they know now. I learned all this from his research. I learned that my weird ear pain with ATN, that felt like an ice pic in my ear was geniculate neuralgia. You might want to browse in the various sections of that tab and see what you can find. I don't think it could be something you ate unless you felt terrible burning or injury at the time that you ate it, and it caused an injury. If you don't remember eating anything that caused an injury, it could be what Red is suggesting below, which could be affecting your glossopharyngeal nerve. Like D McGinnis mentioned, with the nerves firing to the teeth, it's not a far jump for them to fire the nerves of the roof of the mouth as well.

My TN 1 travels. It is now in the roof of my mouth and at times strikes at the eyetooth and the tooth behind it – all on the right side. I have pain simultaneously in the lower jaw with excruciating pain on eating. Fun fun.

I'm a bilateral, Type II TN patient. This is a symptom which I've dealt with almost on a daily basis for years. At times, the entire roof of my mouth feels as if it's had the skin ripped off, or has literally been rubbed with sandpaper, then poked with various sharp objects. This heinousness symptom happens in my gums too, though, and more often than in the roof of my mouth.

I do so sincerely hope that this problem, for you, is of another origin than your TN and resolves itself very soon.

Stef, do you ever feel as tho someone is using your tongue as a twisty tie you know the kind used to tie bread with. Specifically in the back on both sides of the tongue underneath?? And I do have the roof pain now all the time. But it's more like skin peeled sorta.

i think i have glossophregial neural gia, lingiuil, and vagus. isnt there treatment for this. can it be diagnosed. i was reading my reports and i just saw mylethopy along with the spondeloysis. i thought there was treatment for that also,. theses conditions would be complicated by the scar tssue.