Anyone else have pain here? It is in the roof of my mouth on the left side all the way to the center. It has a partner in crime, its in the back of my left eye. Just pain. Can anyone say if its my TN?
I've had it.. it's part of the second branch that goes up the side of the nose region.
I get pain on the roof of the mouth and up into the gums of the first four teeth. The neurologist said it is part of my trigeminal neuralgia. It used to take up a bigger area before I started Taking medication and it is now less sensitive than it was before.
Hope yours settles down.
Yes, mine is constant
Yes, the roof of my mouth, on the right side. It seems to be a sensory trigger. The touch happens in the roof of my mouth, the pain occurs just to the right of my nose, below the cheekbone. The triggers move around, strange. And I have diagnosed type 1 TN.
Thank you all for your input. I am gonna check out a few web sites, but I feel a little better that is from my TN. It was just the first time in that location for pain. But like alot of others, I get to thinking that any type pain on the TN side of my face is caused by it and I can expect an attack. I do love this web site. I like feeling like I am not alone and going crazy.
I think I can relate. Pain in the roof of my mouth, left side, mostly center. Right where my area dentist months ago gave shots to work on a tooth and where his assistant had the edge of the bite-wing jabbing the roof of my mouth. It's finally less noticeable. I asked my new dentist to try to avoid shots in that area as they seem to aggravate the pain for weeks (from what I could tell, almost like the needle lives there for a while or the bite-wing left a serious bruise). Not sure if anyone has noticed this issue, but I seem to be sensitive to shots on the left side in the mouth, roof and back near the jaw joint seem the worst. Both areas can trigger an attack if I don't have enough meds in my system .
As mentioned, this pain can also at times be triggered by touching the left side of the nose, lip or in-between (mustache area) at times. With meds I get slight pain in the roof of the mouth and nose area (like when drinking or chewing), but it doesn't go into a full blown attack.
So I'm curious if you still have similar pains? I just stumbled on this note and here it is Jan 2016 and I have
the same symptoms. What do I have to look forward to?
The pain on the roof of my mouth has reduced to nearly nothing as have all my TN symptoms. I am no longer on any medication for TN and most days my pain is only a 1 or 2 out of 10.
I don't know if the pain will return but at the moment it is a blessing to be almost pain free.
I'm sorry to hear you are still in pain.
hugs Trish
I have this right now. I have bilateral ATN but the right side rarely acts up except for the side of my tongue. The last three days the roof of my mouth on that side is on fire and the slightest touch sends it into overdrive for hours. It will spread out to the teeth, over to my nose and up towards my eye. This is the worst flare up I have had since last winter. Winter and TN are not friends at all!
So what happened for the pain to subside? I am getting ready to get a TN Nerve block. Currently I am on no medication because nothing helps. I can't believe it will just stop by itself. It's been going on for a year now. (Except for 6 weeks when meds worked for a short time).
Trish said:
The pain on the roof of my mouth has reduced to nearly nothing as have all my TN symptoms. I am no longer on any medication for TN and most days my pain is only a 1 or 2 out of 10.
I don't know if the pain will return but at the moment it is a blessing to be almost pain free.
I'm sorry to hear you are still in pain.
hugs Trish
TN can go into remission. I have had several myself. I had TN for a year and then it went away for seven years. It came back two and a half years ago and in that time I have had whole months with zero or maybe 1 or 2 pain. Some people have the same pain every single day with no breaks and some of us are lucky enough to have breaks from the pain. My mom also has TN and has been in remission for five years. It can happen.
jolin said:
So what happened for the pain to subside? I am getting ready to get a TN Nerve block. Currently I am on no medication because nothing helps. I can't believe it will just stop by itself. It's been going on for a year now. (Except for 6 weeks when meds worked for a short time).
Trish said:Hi,
The pain on the roof of my mouth has reduced to nearly nothing as have all my TN symptoms. I am no longer on any medication for TN and most days my pain is only a 1 or 2 out of 10.
I don't know if the pain will return but at the moment it is a blessing to be almost pain free.
I'm sorry to hear you are still in pain.
hugs Trish
I have not had much pain in the roof of my mouth anymore. I have been on Gabapentin and Lyrica and they both have helped with the pain all around. I still get the shocks in my face and side of my head (some days worse then others, and I feel strongly that stress plays a role in how hard I get hit), but the standing pain has dropped dramatically. I hope you have gotten some relief. XOXO