Does anyone have advice for me, I’m allergic to opoids have such a “headache” can’t seem to get rid of it. I have had 100mg of diclofenac sodium as well as 500mg mefenamic acid??? I don’t know if it is from Fibro or TN pain. Thank you
Only thing I am given as far as pain meds go is Naproxen. Also, on baclofen for fibro/tn pain... I tend to use a cold washcloth quite regularly when I lay down to keep it from getting bad---limiting triggers which means no baths or music beyond tolerable levels..Finding out triggers has helped me. Some foods may mean migraines too, but I don't know which. Hope you are able to find some way to get rid of the pain! Thankfully the Lord has sustained me and helped me manage the pain, so it isn't as bad as it could be. I take magnesium and vinpocetine to help w/ tn also.. Vinpocetine is for the dizziness; Magnesium seems to help with pain some...
Thank you so much for your reply. I didn’t know a cold wash cloth can help. God bless!
Oh yes, they help me alot. I try to make sure I sleep with one on--even if i am not hurting too bad.. It helps keep my migraine away some.. Now if I could find something to work for my neck and upper back. ahaha... If only taking a bath wasn't a trigger for tn pain...
Some use ice packs too for their tn pain. Some use heat packs (rice packs in microwave). I tend to stick with a cold wash cloth--it's quick and easy.. Plus, I already have them at home--so there is nothing to go out and buy. I heard Vick's vapor rub helps with tn pain, but i haven't tried it out yet.. A tn group on facebook has helped me find ideas for limiting tn pain.
God Bless!