Ontario Canada? Gamma knife or MVD? Where?

I was wondering if there is anyone out there who is in Ontario Canada who has had the Gamma Knife Treatment at Toronto Western? How was your experience? I’m also interested in hearing from people who also have had MVD in Ontario and where, which doctor did it? Was there any discussion comparing the two procedures as options to each other. Did anybody consider foregoing the Gamma Knife and went the MVD route instead? I have an appoint to meet with the Gamma Knife centre on Tuesday and I am so overwhelmed with info. I don’t hear very many positive outcomes for Gamma Knife. Any info about people’s experiences specifically on Ontario would really help me out.



Since you have type 1 and atypical, I would do MVD


If you do gamma first, way less help for good MVD.

MVD is cranial surgery, not brain surgery as it seems.

gamma damages the nerves that MVD tries to untangle

Look at groups tab above. There is a Canada group here.

You want to ONLY go to the BEST

No matter how far,.... I don't know how your insurance works.

Send a friend request to MIMI -- she is our Canadaian queen here LOL

Hope this helps!

I have had MVD with best guru in the states - Dr. Casey in Michigan - flew there

and my TN1 is gone, in remission for over two years.

Also go to the groups tab - gamma group -and poke around - but it is NOT the gold standard as MVD can be for many

I don't know if you have read the book "Striking Back" by Dr. ken casey - (above) he is THE guru

Gives you lots of options in the book

here is Dr. Casey's video on face pain --- long, but break it down and watch it in chunks

and absorb it.... he explains so you can understand all this


Look up in search box - LIDOCAINE

ask your primary for it

Keep searching till you get your BEST outcome..... learn, ask, read, ask, learn, repeat!!! before you do gamma off the bat.

Oh KC…lol, duchess maybe, but no Queen! Ha ha :wink:

I sent you a friend request Jennifer and two links to members in Ontario. Both aren’t on LwTN very much, but I’m sure they will contact you as soon as they see your message.
If you don’t hear from them, let me know…

Sunnybrook hospital Toronto , Ontaro

Dr. Leo Dacosta was my neuro

Such a good doctor , had a MVD , but it didn’t work. Been pain free and off all meds since spring of 2013 since balloon compression surgery. Very simple procedure and home same day.
Take care of you,

Hope you find something that works for you