I had a Gamma Knife treatment two days ago. I have had two failed MVDs in the past but my neurosurgeon thinks that this will help me. I have a swollen forehead and can't raise my left eyebrow but I guess that this is normal. The TN pain has got a little worse but that is hardly surprising after what has been done to my head! I feel very low at the moment for no good reason. Do you think that is normal after the treatment?
I would like to hear from anyone who has had GK done and their experinces. Also anyone about to have it done i can tell you about mine.
Hi Clare. My mother had Gamma Knife last August. She has Type 1 TN. She had some slight swelling of her forehead,and bruising where the halo was attached to her head. The bruising took about a week to heal, and the swelling lasted at least that long. She still mentions that the place over her scalp where the GK was focused is still a little numb. She had no TN pain after, but is on 200mg Ccarbamezepine three times a day. Mom was told that she can only have one more Gamma Knife, and then her only choice will be MVD, which she says is not going to be an option. I hope your GK works for you!
I just had my second gamma knife 3/28/14. My first was 12/21/12 and did not get pain relief for 3 months after, it lasted 8 months. The most recent procedure gave me pain relief in 3 days! I was a little numb near my right temple for a few days.
I weaned off all pain meds after the first gamma and refused to go back on even after the pain returned, I hated the way they made me feel. I was on Clonazepam, oxycarbazepine (800 mg I recall), Lyrica, Baclofen. I hope this one lasts longer, my surgeon says he's rarely done 3, he'd recommend MVD, however, I've had prior brain surgery for Chiari malformation that makes that a challenge.
Right now I am in la la land, I burst out crying at local diner last week, my husband was worried the pain came back, I said no, I can chew a cheeseburger without pain!
I'm thinking the dye they use in the presurgery MRI to light up where they lesioned the nerve before helped them target spots on that damn nerve better. I will say that the pain after the first gamma was more centralized in an area to the right of my nostril and not as stabbing and electrical as before.
I pray for you many pain free days ahead! I got lots of mileage out of the photo my husband took of me with the titanium frame screwed on my head....it really sounds and looks a lot worse than it is!
Thank you both for your comments. Four days later and I still have some pain but a lot more tingling. Forehead still looks odd!!! I hope you are both keeping pain free.