Need some advice and quickly please! Have to choose next surgery

Hi all, I'm soooo confused and could use some input. I've had TN for about 1 1/2 years now and 6 months ago I did the Gamma Knife. Unfortunately, I've had zero results from that surgery at this point... in fact, things are worse. The pain is much worse now when it comes and it's getting longer when it hits. The doctor who did the Gamma Knife (at Jefferson in Phila, pa) wants me to have it done again, but I'm thinking maybe I should go straight to the MVD at this point. My biggest concern is that I have a lot of other health issues and am immunosuppressed and on daily prednisone, Remicade, and will undoubtedly have much trouble recouperating. Any advice? It's getting to the point where I've got to do something because I can't go on like this. I already take over 30 pills a day so adding more is just not an option for me, please offer advice, and thank you. Hope you're all having a pain free day

Thanks, Marla

Marla, I’m so sorry to read of your increasing pain…
My best advice would be to consult with more than one neurosurgeon and get a few opinions so that you can make an informed decision based on the whole picture and not jump into something out of desperation for relief.
With your other health issues it’s important your concerns are addressed and you are given a realistic picture.
Sending positive thoughts and (( hugs )), Mimi

Thanks Mimi for the advice, and Cleo can I ask you then it’s hopeless you’re saying? Wow, that’s a hard pill to swallow

Hi I had mvd was so scared it woukdnt work, I was in so much pain for 2 yrs meds didnt work and tn wss ruining my life.

I had mvd 2 months ago, i would highly recommend it.i am pain free and i was taking up to 12 tablets a day and now meds free.

wish you all the best.x

Thanks so much Jules, my life is also being ruined. My daughter just got engaged, and she's so excited, trying to plan her wedding with me, I'm trying so hard to seem excited, but I'm really detached, all I can think about is pain. I really want to be there for her. I need the courage to do something about this, I keep reading more and more, it's so confusing.

Cleo, it's hard to explain my dental history here, from being immunosuppressed and on steroids for so many years, I develop infections easily and one of the places they love to grow out of control is in a newly root canalled tooth.... I've had all of them fail, ultimately leading to all being pulled. One time during that a hole just developed into my sinus... after that, I just "noticed" some pain starting. It wasn't until a year later I got an actual TN diagnosis, so that's my story.