NRT is done by placing a supplement in one hand and extending the other arm out so pressure can be applied to the extended arm. When a moderate amount of pressure is applied and you are able to resist the pressure, that is an indication that the supplement is beneficial for you. If a moderate amount of pressure is applied and your arm becomes to week to resist the pressure, then that is an indication that the supplement is not needed.
Once it is determined that the supplement is beneficial for you, then dosage needs to be determined. This is done by placing one capsule of the supplement in your one hand and then applying a moderate amount of pressure to your extended arm. You hold the supplement in one hand and test with the opposite arm. You continue to increase the number of capsules in your hand until the opposite arm you are testing with becomes week. The number of capsules in your hand just before your arm became week is the dose you should be taking of that supplement.
The key thing to remember is that your body will become use to supplements. The amount that is good for you today will most likely not be the amount you need to take in a week or so. Testing continually needs to be done.
For me this was progressive learning. It started with my doctor in Reno. I built on that knowledge with Dr. Peart in Fresno. After I started with Dr. Peart, it took three months before my pain went down. I moved from taking 900 to 1,300 mg of Carbamazepine a day to 100 to 300 mg per day. I did that for about two years. It was not until I started on the supplements from Z-Natural Foods that I was able to cut the meds out.
It took me from October of last year until the second week in January of this year before I was able to learn the right amount of supplements to take. I established two groups of supplements from Z-Natural Foods. All together they comprise approximately 40 supplements. While I do not take all 40, what I do take varies from testing to testing. The key feature was this. With NRT, they tell you to take the number of capsules you test with. When I tried that with the supplements from Z-Natural Foods, it ended up being far to much and it made my pain go up. I had to find the formula.
At the beginning of January, I tested with the two groups of supplements I had established. Testing with group one showed I needed 40 capsules. Testing with group two showed I needed 46 capsules. I took a 1/4 teaspoon measuring unit and put 1/4 teaspoon per each capsule of each supplement I tested for into a stainless bowel keeping group one and group two separate. I then mixed the supplements in the bowls, again keeping each category separate. I then tested the mix of each category again. Once mixed together, I needed 17 capsules of group one, not 40. Testing with the mix of group two showed I needed13 capsules, not 46.
Within a few days of following the new formula for determining how much of each category to take, my pain went away and has not come back. I continue to follow the formula. I am currently taking 4 capsules of group one and 5 capsules of group two. You can never forget that as your body becomes used to the supplements, not only do they change but the amount you need to take also goes down.
There is much I would love to share about what I discovered, the specific supplements I am taking, why I am taking those supplements, etc. However this site does not want you to talk to anyone personally. Therefore it makes sharing this type of information difficult. I would have to type for ever to share all this information.
I can tell you that Dr. Peart has become very interested in what I have discovered. The last few times I saw him he has asked me to bring all my supplements to use for testing. I hope what I have shared will help you. If you have specific questions, I will try to answer them.