Hello. Thank you for letting me join you

I'm new to this site but not to TN. However I didn't know I had TN until June of this year after 4 years of not knowing. I saw a nuerologist yesterday and he confirmed this. He wants me to start treatment using carbamazepine. I'm opting not to go this route. When I didn't know what was going on I started researching food after watching a pbs special on curing arthritis and pain naturally. The changes I made actually got the pain in check and it goes away for months at a time until I eat my old way. I still have pain but it isn't as unbearable as it was in the beginning. The doc isn't going to be happy with me as he doesn't seem to think nutrition can help. I read on this site we need to listen to our own body and do what we know to be best for us. I am not comfortable with what he is proposing so for now as I've been doing I'm going to stay the course. I still have to learn how to cook and like it. Once I tackle that it'll get easier.

Tinkerbell, I'm glad for your positive outcome. But I must caution readers that your doctor is probably right. There is no reliable clinical data to demonstrate that TN can be driven into remission by diet choices. For others considering the nutrition approach, the TN Association promotes a book on non-inflammatory diets, in their book store. Unfortunately the foreword of the book is written by a popular television quack named Dr. Oz. There is an awful amount of outright fraudulent hype circulating on this subject.

When you're ready to consider other approaches, Tinkerbell, there are other medical alternatives with fewer side effects. Trileptal and Neurontin are both helpful for a lot of people, and if your TN is the classic volleys of electric-shock pain, then Microvascular Decompression is the gold standard against which all other surgical procedures are compared.

Go in Peace and Power

Red Lawhern, Ph.D.

Resident Research Analyst, LWTN

Hi! I am happy to hear that you are having some helpful results from diet! You might want to research Homeopathic remedies for pain as well.I get good results from the ones for migraine,earache,and nerve pain(I take them together).They are safe and really help me quite a bit.I had a dental injury that tore cartilage,so I actually have TMJ and ATN-horrible! This is the only thing that has helped me.I also use Boiron Sinusalia.Good luck to you!

Welcome to the site although sorry that means you have TN! I am on tegretol, and not having too much trouble with it. I work full time, and other than times of extreme stress it is taking care of the pain. Glad to hear you have periods of remission although I would be careful of attributing that to diet alone as TN typically does have periods of remission especially in early years. Many people report it returns each year with the change of season, mine has a history of returning in August. But I am interested in anything natural that can reduce pain and dependence on medication, what foods do you use / avoid? I have also been taking Vit B12 supplements and have noticed a reduction in breakthrough pain since then.

Duckie- What's the amount in the B12 supplements out of interest?


Sorry I've taken so long to reply. I'm still learning how to find things on this site. I avoid sugar, saturated fat and processed foods. I do believe in the b vitiamins. They feed the nerves and convert food to energy as well as help with the mood. I eat dark green leafy vegetables and supplement with a b complex that includes biotin. A lot of the supplements don't have biotin. B vitamins are water soluable and need to be replaced daily. I choose the complex because I believe they work together. I have yet to find a food with one of the b vitiamins. They are usually combined in some form so I suspect they need each other to perform properly. I'm no expert and could be totally off base but it made sense to me. I'm still learning but real food seems to help. I keep a journal so I can keep track of how I feel when I eat certain foods which is usually the next day. Over the years I've noticed that fatty food or processed (fast food) one day results in a painful day the next.

Duckie said:

Welcome to the site although sorry that means you have TN! I am on tegretol, and not having too much trouble with it. I work full time, and other than times of extreme stress it is taking care of the pain. Glad to hear you have periods of remission although I would be careful of attributing that to diet alone as TN typically does have periods of remission especially in early years. Many people report it returns each year with the change of season, mine has a history of returning in August. But I am interested in anything natural that can reduce pain and dependence on medication, what foods do you use / avoid? I have also been taking Vit B12 supplements and have noticed a reduction in breakthrough pain since then.

I was taking Blackmores B12 100 ug but not sure what that is in mcg. Still no pain at all, even went out in freezing cold strong wind today no problems. I just had my B12 levels checked, 324 which is well above minimum,but didn’t get it checked before I started taking supplements.

Jules said:

Duckie- What’s the amount in the B12 supplements out of interest?