Now possible side effects with Nortriptyline?

I am getting more and more frustrated, not to mention depressed. I've been on 50mg. of Nortriptyline a day to help with the "atypical facial pain", the neuro wouldn't call it TN, since I don't have a trigger. Anyway, my vision has suddenly gone very blurry. It's worse in my right eye, the side of all my facial pain and ear pain. I decided to go see the eye doctor who said my vision was 20/25. He said my vision was actually worse up close than at a distance, but it was nothing significant. To me I think it is exactly the opposite, I can see up close, but not at a distance at all. Sometimes, it clears though and I can see okay. He then looked up my meds and said that this could be a side-effect. I called the neuro and was told to cut my med down to 25mg. and come back in for a follow-up appointment (I tried to schedule it, but the receptionist never called me back). Now, my pain has increased, I still can't see, and I feel like I'm going crazy. I already had to stop Gabapentin and Tegretol due to side-effects. What else is there? Has anyone had vision problems from taking Nortriptyline?


I would call pharmacist first thing in the morning - or if you have a 24 hour walgreens within 50 miles - they will answer your call. They can answer this stuff quickly.

Im on the same med and yes its a side effect I have thw paper in front of me

Lauren Drugs will not cure your pain I suffered pain for 2 years then became frustrated by my neurologist and went to Tufts Medical in Boston. I was diagnosed with trigeminal nuerology and underwent gamma knife surgery, a non evasive yreatment. Nuerologists mean wellbut ovten have no clue how to help their patients. By the way, I habeen pain free since I had the gamma knive procedure last year.