Hello All,
I'm Tony and am 23 years old. I'm a recent college graduate. As I was getting ready to graduate about a month before my graduation ceremony, my friends and I went to a mexican restaurant. I had hard tacos and thought I had a shell stuck on left side of throat. Feeling was still there for a week so I went to an ent and he prescribed prednisone. That didn't help. Then antibiotics and that didn't help. 2-3 weeks later My pain shifted to the right side of my throat. The left side was just a sore throat like feeling but then I experienced sharp dull pain on right side of throat and also have left eye pain thats constant. Don't know if it was a side effect from antibiotic or prednisone. Also developed palatal tremor at same time. This all happened so suddenly over the summer. . It took until September to get diagnosed with PM. I had an mri and they found a small white lesion, but the doctor wasn't concerned. Until yesterday I went to a physiatrist to get a consultation on botox. He looked over the same MRI and said he was concerned and said I might have MS and that I have either trigeminal neuralgia or GPN. I came home in tears and didn't know what to expect. He said he wanted me to see a neurologist right away. Fortunately the neurologist he recommended seen me this morning, did reflex test and looked over my mri and wasn't alarmed by the lesion, but said he thinks I may have neuralgia. I'm getting blood work tomorrow to get tested for autoimmune deficiencies and see if anything comes up. Also must wait 2 months for insurance purposes to see if new lesions appear and also to do an mra. Been prescribed tegretol.
I have a few questions for everyone that is willing to respond to my discussion post. 1. How were you diagnosed, by explaining your symptoms or by mri/mra? 2. I notice a lot of people have had mvd/gamma knife surgery, but did you still do the surgery even though your test results have come out normal? 3. Did any of you had tremors associated with your gpn?. (example my palate spasms) 4. Is there anyone who has MS and GPN as well and how did you go about it with lesions in brain, medicine or surgical route? 5. If anyone is from Michigan area, do they recommend any neuro doctors who specialize in this and have had positive outcomes on quality of life after seeing or being performed by this doctor?
I apologize for all this information. It's a lot to digest. Look forward on your input and feedback as well as interacting with you all regarding this terrible condition.