Greetings all, great to find a site like this online. My trouble began over a year ago with pain only when I swallowed. This came & went sporadically for a year, pain level was maybe 6/10 at its peak. I had a barium fluoroscopy in May, they told me I had acid reflux. That was wrong. After being misdiagnosed by my family Dr. for a year, in mid September the pain suddenly became 9 or 10, and prevented me from talking, eating, & swallowing was hard to do. Misdiagnosed by several other docs at my local hospital emerge dept. over 2 weeks, I was finally diagnosed in early October by a Dr. in Ireland who read my symptoms in an email. I am in Canada.
I couldn't speak, eat or swallow w/o severe pain/shocks in the left side of my throat/tongue. I took a print out of the GPN info to emerge once again & the ENT residents had a neurology resident spray xylocaine into my throat. Voila! I could speak briefly w/o pain. I was dehydrated so they admitted me for 5 days until an MRI was conducted to confirm GPN. They did say that 2 blood vessels were not obviously looped onto the 9th nerve, but seemed close.
I am taking 1200 mg daily of carbamazapine, which took about a month to kick in to totally mitigate pain initially. Recently I noticed short, sudden spasms of my hands on occasion. Almost like the onset of Parkinson's. I've also recently noticed pain returning when I chew or talk loudly or at length. The pain is in the area of the left side of my jaw, can be 4-7/10.
I have my 1st scheduled appointment in late February with a neurosurgeon. I understand because we have free health care here, sometimes things move very slowly. I have some questions, hopefully someone can try to answer from their experiences:
- should I wait this long (5 months) to see a neurosurgeon?
- if others have taken similar meds to mitigate pain, has the pain over-ridden the meds eventually?
- are the small hand spasms expected with these meds?
- Docs here try to manage GPN by meds vs surgery, which is a last resort. I am over 50 & don't really want to take meds the rest of my life, nor deal with the pain I have when talking & eating.
- has anyone had surgery & been totally cured? If so, what surgical procedure was it, & where did you have it?
Thanks very much for reading.