New to this sight

Hi everyone I’ve been reading all the blog post for the past few days. I hope one day we all can be pain free. I’m going on three years with TN and has time goes on I’ve leanrned very little about controling pain. My medication has been change five times and now I’m on 900 mg ofTrileptal and 100 mg of Lyrica but I have very little pain relief. My attacks are triggered by a/most anything and last about a minute and is 24/7, I get some breaks of pain during the day and night. I hope I can be a help to all of you and try to become pain free.

Welcome David,
You have come to the right place every member knows what you are going thru,we are here to help each other and support each other,i feel very blessed to have found this site it has helped me so much,i hope u have a pain free day takecare Mina =-)

David, welcome to the community and thank you for sharing your story and offer of help with the community.


Hi David,
I read your post and it sounds like you suffered or a long time before you finally got your diagnosis. I’m so sorry you are in pain day and night. Have you tried tegretol? It gave me awful side effects but it did take care of the pain. I hope you can get surgery soon. You have suffered long enough. God bless.

Hi David,
Welcome. I am sorry you are having such a bad time and for such a long period of time. I hope you will find some useful information. I saw one post that stated you were going to see the doctor on the 22d. Was that a neurologist?