New problem?

Yesterday I woke up with my right cheek pain, jaw in pain, spreading up the right side of my face. Later last night the pain spread to the chin part, and underneath the jaw, where the tongue is and has pain there and my tongue is tingling/burning and pain the inside of the neck and my eye is bothering me too and the ON is there too and I have a mild migraine. It hurt to talk, laugh, inhale, eat. At least the GN is not acting up bad yet but my right ear feels like it is leaking water.
I have had about the worst year of my life, I hope this year starts getting better soon, seems like it never ends for us.

Hi Diana,
I’m not sure about it being a new problem. For the first 3 years my TN pain was essentially in the same place. And then it progressed to include all 3 branches although it was the worst in one area - upper lip, one tooth and the outside of my nose. But at my worst I couldn’t touch the back of my head or forehead or one side of my face. I hope you find relief and will consider different meds or surgery. Wishing you the best. TN is not good for anyone but I know there are so many suffering worse than I am. MVD was a blessing for me. Although I still have pain, it is very tolerable and controllable with medication.
Liz K.

Thanks Liz, I am going to call my new doctor tomorrow. Everything was about the same for 20 years, I have GN deep ear pain and 2009 the attacks got worse and now I seem to be developing all this other stuff, and I was allergic to the meds. This is just driving me crazy.

Sorry to hear that. I went through several medicines also. I was either allergic or they failed to work. Twenty years is a long time. Migraines makes mine worse. Both my neuro and surgeon told me to keep the migraines under control. A severe migraine started my last bad time that led to me having surgery. Maybe preventive medicine for your migraines will help. Good luck with your new doctor. I wished I had had a different doctor and I would have had surgery sooner. He was reluctant to refer me since his other 3 patients did not have any success with surgery.
Liz K.

I hope so, I calle dthe dr. and he won’t be in for a week, aaahhh!

I know, I I hate the ER so much, my new doc is very good, OH I got tocwait!