New Neurologist :)

Ok so I went to see my new Neurologist. Guess what I have Trigeminal Neuralgia. lol Anyway he has changed my meds . So now I am on 250mg of PMS Carba three times a day, and Gaba is 400mg four times a day. I can take my fast release pills 200mg every four hours if I need to, but I haven't because I am scared to do that :( I had a pile of blood work to do, and I see him again April 4. were he said that he will be increaseing my Carba, and decreaseing my Gaba. We talked about medications that could be used, we talked about prosedures, and then the MVD. I am happy that he wants to see me every 2 weeks. I felt that he listened to me, and took notes, did the normal tests(finger to nose ) I am a little aprehensive as he only works for two days a week and only from 2-4:15 on those days. But other then that he was great,and I am happy to be going back. :)

Hi Barb,

I'm so happy that you are finally the right doctor so hopefully you will get some relief. Good luck with everything.
