Need your opinion

Hi Im Bernard from Cagayan de Oro, Mindanao, Philippines. I was diagnosed with TN almost 10 years now and suffering almost daily and can only be reduced by taking Tegretol or Tegral. Just this week I had a high blood pressure and I landed in one of the hospital here as per my doctor one of the cause is my TN. Would like to ask does anybody had the same case like mine? or does TN can trigger high blood pressure?

Hi Bernard,
Just dealing with the pain of TN can raise our blood pressure, however it is always wise to have blood work done to check if maybe there is another cause. Many medications can also affect our blood pressure. I would highly advise a thorough check up with your doctor and a review of your medications and blood work to be safe.
Best of luck to you, (( hugs )) Mimi

I have been to the er several times in the last yr. due to tn pain being sooo unbearable, at those times my blood pressure would go sky high, the nurses at the er and also my new gp said it was due to the pain being sooo bad.I have been on blood pressure meds. since this past March.When the pain is real bad it still gets high. I have tn1 and tn2 for over 20 yrs.Today is not a very good day, my pain has been pretty bad so far this morning, winter, especially here in mi. does not play well with tn.At least with me. Wishing you better days and

I have just been in hospital and I am having a lot of attacks daily and my blood pressure was low, the nurse asked me if my blood pressure was always low, I told her I don't think so. I am not really sure if TN does affect your blood pressure, everybody is different.