Need GPN dr. in MN

Hello all..I'm looking for a good neurologist for GPN/GN in MN, either at Mayo or U of MN. Thank you!

Hi Sarah,

I'm not good on US geography, but have you checked the Dr database, in the members services tab above? There may be someone close listed:)

I have been to see Dr. Haines at U of M. He spent about 5 minutes with me, I told him I had constant burning pain bilaterally and he basically said it isn't GPN because it isn't one sided and shock like. I do get the shock like but it is a constant pain in my throat and more shock like in ear. So basically if you have GPN type II, he may not be the guy for you. However, I know some have had good visits and successful surgeries with him.

He referred me to Dr. Park that specializes in spinal cord stimulation and deep brain stimulation. I may see where that goes. I have been to numerous docs at the U of M and must say it hasn't been a great experience but Dr. Park seems to follow up and care more than any one else there.

Bruce Pollock at Mayo is supposed to be the best doc for MVD. I have not seen him though. I had an appointment, but after 3 hours past my appt time, I still hadn't been seen and left. Sorry to sound like a downer, but it has been a rough road. Still looking for relief. I can't live like this.

I'm newly diagnosed and got my diagnosis during my 1st visit with Dr. Janice Aldinger at Minneapolis Clinic of Neurology (MCN). She completed her residency at Mayo. She's also my dad's doc (dad has TN and now MS). She was upfront about it GPN being rare and that it could be caused by many things and we would try to rule them out as we could to find relief. She only works out of the Edina office. I live in Central MN and it would have been over a month for me to get a doc close to home. Got my appt at MCN less than 2 weeks after request. They also have a mobile MRI which has appointments on both Saturdays and Sundays which was super helpful.