It's too wild and wooly around here. Too much anxiety! Gotta get away.
I had my Son take out my P-Stim yesterday {a few hours after I was hoping..kept stinging me} and was hoping that the awful vertigo, hot and cold flushes, feeling not right from head to toe, would fade quickly but it was in bed with me most of the night. This morning I feel lots better as far as all that goes but the stabbing in my ear is back where it was muffled during the P-Stim. Oxy hasn't touched it so far and I guess I'll throw some Lorcet back but I've got things to try to accomplish to get out of here and let everyone have their space, escape to my Sisters space where I am needed and it is quiet. Taking my Traumatic Brain injured son with me as well, this environment is not the greatest for him these days. I'd call a family meeting but everyone's noses would get pushed out of joint I am sure. They haven't read the TBI book yet and think I coddle him. Oh well, back to P-Stim stuff
I think it may be working a bit. Pain was down, no breakthroughs...till today.
They put it on the opposite side of my head this time and I'm thinking that triggered the vertigo and floaty feeling?
I've been wondering...My Radiologist Oncologist diagnosed me with a thing called "Incomplete Circle of Willis" Basically the arterial network in my brain is incomplete. There has been some recovery done on my brains own doing but the network is LESS than whats needed and it's not right.
The P-Stim works on nerve paths which naturally have same path blood flow behind them.In a perfect world....
I wonder if this has anything to do with the vertigo and what-not. The first P-Stim on the side of my injured nerve exacerbated my pain so they tried on the other side, in the other ear. Now my pain was less during the treatment but I was bedridden. Small price to pay? It's only 4 days and Dr. will do up to 10 of these...2 down!
Oh and the other thing...I'm such a dead head....there was a slight change in the inconsistency on my nerve! YaY! Can't believe I forgot to note that!
So I'm wondering if I can't just put up with the vertigo and stuff for a couple of days every two weeks. I have good back-up here at home if I want it. I hurt everywhere when I lay in bed but I do have FMS so you'll have that.
Gonna go visit my Sister with my Son and just "be quiet". He needs that more than I do. Doesn't feel that anyone understands how he feels poor guy. So we'll spoil him rotten, I'll get away from my darling yet slightly unruly these days Grand-babes, and let Mom and Dad get a good dose of what's good for them.
I hope you all have a warm weekend and are sweet to yourselves.
I would welcome any thoughts you have. Thank you so much!
PeacenLove Always~Laurel