Hi Rick,
Thank you for your very kind and informative response, it was very much appreciated. Following my post on here I did find the other post which you had written, which again I found very interesting and informative. As Jackie said it was very good of you to write such a piece for people who find themselves facing this very difficult decision.
I think I do have a very good Neurosurgeon, he is based at the James Cook University Hospital in Middlesbrough (England) and a guy called Fred Nath assists in these procedures, who is apparantly the head of this department, he also has his own website (and as a side line he also writes war stories-not that you probably wanted to know that but I found it quite interesting ha ha!). When I went for my last MRI the Radiologist said that my Neurosurgeon was one of the best in the country, so I am sure hoping that he is right! Mr Prasad (I will remove names if I am not supposed to use them and will apologise now if I am not allowed to!), has been doing these procedures for 16 years now and I'm sure he said that he has done approx 200 of these procedures during this time, but I could be wrong on that as I don't always remember things correctly - medication unfortunately! But he said that I am only the 2nd person that he has come across who suffers with it on both sides. This has worried him, and he said that he has taken advice of collegues and has been advised to only do the 2nd side if things go right on the first side. He made it very clear to me that I am doubly at risk due to needing 2 MVD's. He was very honest of the risks which these procedures hold including clearly stating that it although it has a 97 per cent sucess rate that he can't say that I won't be the one who either ends up totally paralysed, with stroke like symptoms ar even the one who dies. As you can imagine at this point I think I went white as I grabbed my husbands hand, however, I did also appreciate his honesty in a strange kind of way, as it is a big decision to make.
Like you, I cannot face a lifetime of pain and further medication. Poor Jackie knows too well (due to the many of emails I have sent her) that I cannot tolerate the medication, therefore my meds cannot be upped, I have already lost my job through this which I have/had worked very hard at! So really if this procedure offers me the chance to function as I used to and also gets rid of this horrendous pain then I think I don't really have any other options other than to trust my Neurosurgeon and go ahead with the procedures. I don't think it has really sunk in with me as yet that this will be happening at some point this month but my husband is kind of in bits, he is so, so worried and trys to keep his feelings hidden from others! However, I am sure that everthing will be fine and that I will come out smiling at the other end! Of course, I will keep you posted, if thats okay.
Just a couple of questions for you, if you don't mind is, how long were you in hospital for and what sort of things were you allowed to do/not do upon your discharge from hospital, as I have read different things and just don't know what to expect!
Hi Jackie, firstly thank-you for your previous post, it was very kind of you as both me and Simon feel as though we have been living on eggshells since Tuesday! Secondly, I would like to apologise for not responding to bothe Rick's and your post until now but I've had little Jack since Friday morning as Carrie is away for a few days, I've got him until tomorrow night and I'm absolutely worn out ha ha! (not used to looking after a 10 month old baby for so long and have forgotton how much hard work it is!) We took him to Whitby y'day and didn't get back until late and once I'd got him to bed I was to tired to think and today has been non-stop with him, finally though, I have got him bathed, fed and to bed......bliss! Although I have really enjoyed having him and it may be sometime now before I am able to have him again, so I wanted to make every moment count - I think you know what I mean about that! The thing that upsets me most about these procedures happening now is that Jamies baby is due next month and Rosie wanted me to be at the birth and Carries second baby is due in Dec, I really want to be able to help out etc when these babies are born, and as you know when Jack was born I was like a Zombie and couldn't be trusted to look after him......it looks like I'm going to miss out again on the very early stages of my next 2, yes 2 grandsons! But on a positive note, hopefully, I'll be able to function normally in the long run and enjoy seeing them growing up without feeling so sedated all the time!
Lastly, I do hope that I do not become one of thoise people who just opt out, as I have found this site very helpful and informative and you have been a true star to me and someone I will never forget, even though we have never met! I do hope that one day we will meet and that following my MVD's that I can become someone like Rick who can tell people on here of there sucess MVD stories.
Thank you once again to both of you
Mandy : )