MVD and flying afterwards

I am having a MVD in 2 weeks and I have to fly there and back to my home as the neurosurgeon is in another province. Am I going to have problems with severe pain my TN, ears, head, after the MVD? If so, any suggestions on how to lessen the pain.

Also, how long is the recovery time following a MVD?

Thanks very much. I am new to this site.


Hi Bonnie,
Good question. I have wanted to ask this question also. Does the pressure bother the TN? Maybe your neurologist can tell you. I didn’t have a typical recovery following MVD. I was out of the hospital in about 48 hrs. And I never felt a single bit of surgery pain. I had a lot of numbness so I’m sure that is why. I didn’t have any nausea. I had an aggravating headache for a few weeks. It was constant but not really severe. And I was exhausted for weeks. I believed I slept about 18 hrs a day. I returned to work part-time about 3 weeks later and worked part-time for 3 weeks (about 30 hrs a week).