MRI showed nothing - now what? Second Opinion?

Hi Everyone,

My neurologist came back saying that she saw nothing on the MRI, no growths, tumors or vascular compression. Her next statement seemed a little off-hand to me. She said, 'But that's common to not find a reason for it. We'll focus on the meds and see what happens."

She seems like she knows what she's doing and is very knowledgeable and compassionate, but I'm wondering about a second opinion. Good idea? Or just a good way to insult your doctor?


Mri's do not always show if there is a vascular compression on your trigeminal nerve, so yes, she's right. If your anticonvulsants help with the pain, that is usually how they know for SURE that it's TN. Mine showed nothing either, but the Tegretol worked like a charm. Sometimes those little blood vessels are just hiding in there, LOL.

I had a very similar experience and went for a second opinion. I do feel like my neurologist was insulted by my doing so and I didn't gain anything from it. However, you are entitled to a second opinion and I believe most people would recommend getting one if that is what you want.