More confused!

After my visit with the nuerosugeon today he ordered me another mri my first one by him to see if theres a nerve compression its suposed to be a better mri. just from our talk he told me he doesn't think i have TN like what???! ok so im still in pain and now more confused and scared

So very sorry. Don’t give up chasing a solution to your pain.
God bless you

MRI can sometimes pick up a compression near the trig nerve- SOMETIMES. An MRA ( which is probably what you had, were you injected with anything?) can much better show the nerves as an MRA is for the veins and arteries and can sometimes pick those up. My MRI never showed a compression. The MRA did- and also two brain aneurysms later. OYE! So in any event, get a second opinion from a different neurosurgeon at a different practice. Trigeminal neuralgia is a CLINCAL diagnosis. You have to open the brain and go IN to find the problem in a very, very majority of cases. He doesn't sound like he knows much about TN and I wouldn't want him touching my brain. Find another doc.

Hi, I’m glad you are getting an MRI sounds like it may be a thinner slice MRI which can show more fine detail of the cranial nerve area and possibly show compression or anything else like tumors, ms lesions etc. But that being said, most often compressions aren’t seen until a surgeon goes in (MVD).
TN is very hard to diagnose, the reason the neuro might suspect is because of your reaction to Tegretol and/or Neurontin. Those meds usually don’t make your pain worse. BUT that being said, we all experience our pain differently, we all react to meds differently. AND the most important thing here is that you have horrible pain and you need something to try and diminish it!!
My advice if your not on anything for your pain OR what you are on isn’t working, that you call up said neuro’s office and tell them you are in PAIN and can’t handle it, you need something!!
At this point you have to not worry about whether the neuro thinks its TN or not ( I know it’s stressful) but your pain needs to be addressed regardless, pain control is most important.
Try not to worry, it’s easier to deal with everything if our pain is controlled.

If neuro office doesn’t help, then go see your doctor.
I hope you get some answers soon but more importantly I hope you find sonething to help manage your pain. Huge ((((hugs)))), thinking of you, Mimi

Hes actually a neurosurgeon and he deals with TN alot hes actually recommended on this website and when I called the facial pain association they also recommended him its a 3d MRI he told me that the guy who invented the keyhole surgery taught him how to do it. I havnt gotten the MRI yet I wish they wuda done that one in the first place instead of making me jump through hoops. I actually have a bunch of pain pills from all the dentist work I had done…i just hate pills except my ativan which calms down …thanks for taking the time to read my post I wish I could help everyone I hate to see so many people suffer but I cant even help myself makes me angry and sad