
Since the last time I was on ,I got the mvd done. And it was a failed mvd. I’m angry upset and many emotions. It seems doctors forgotten about me but my family doctor.My pain has worsted, and the neuro surgeon that did it I saw once after the operation didn’t give me a reason , and only said sorry.She hasn’t been working with me to help me,with my pain.My meds are increased , decreased. Etc. I lost everything my job, social life ,TN has robbed me of this. I’m now fighting for so quilty of life. I go on the 18to see her again, to see what is my next step, I’m trying to educated myself. I know I have other options , and shouldn’t be forgotten like this.

You don't recommend MVD? what went wrong? sorry to hear about your situation.

Marina, I am so sorry about your situation! You should not be forgotten!!!!!!! I am sending you hugs across the miles. Please know that I am thinking of you.

I am sorry to hear this.

Hi, you! I haven't had a MVD. But I do know about being shunned by the DOC. I most certainly know about how TN has robbed all of us from a normal - great lives. I hear ya' sista ! I know I can't get hired any where, but I'm kinda glad they didn't now cause my attacks came back so I would of lost it anyways. I'm being forced to go to jury duty! How cruel! Well if you want a friend, I'm here. So friend me on face book or here. Wanna vent your troubles ! I'm here! Your friend in pain. Adel

I had a failed mvd as well. The surgeon is only there when there is something to cut you open for and after that is done they don't really have a role so it is easy to feel cast off after something like that happens. My surgeon said he could do a repeat mvd but I have had enough of getting my head cut open so I haven't seen him since right after the surgery and went back to just seeing my neurologist. Do you have a neuro following you or just your PCP? I know how frustrating it is to pin all your hopes on the surgery and then come out on the other side with nothing to show for it. Now I am back on anti-convulsants, narcotics, anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds and trying my best to keep going but the depression and anxiety are very bad now. I'm so sorry you are having the same experience. It is so hard to be your own advocate when you are in so much pain but that is the best way to not feel forgotten. My neurologist has been a huge emotional support to me even though he can't "fix" me, he always makes me feel that there are different meds to try and does his best to keep a spark of hope alive in me which is a pretty darn difficult thing to do. You are not alone.