Lyrica and side effects


I am thinking of trying Lyrica but I am unsure due to the side effects of dry mouth, swelling and weight gain.

Has anyone had any or all of these?



There are many people who have said they have had positive results on here. I had a bad reaction to it and had more severe reactions than you listed. Mine seem to be an anomaly though so I say go for it! If it doesn't work, (hopefully it will) then you can move on to something else.

I tried it, while I was in training for a govt job.

All I did was laugh in the training films and lectures

It made me very "high" -- that was better than dry mouth and weight gain - but couldn't work or trust myself driving on it!

Everyone is so different here with meds

I have had way fewer side effects on this than anything else. A bit of dry mouth, minor weight gain/bloating, and some drowsiness when I take it during the day. But the confusion and memory loss that I've had on all of the other drugs have not been an issue. I would suggest trying it for a month to see what it's like for you.


My neuro wants to switch me from Neurontin, which doesn't seem to be doing much for my ATN, to Lyrica. I'm hesitant because I already have some side effects on Neurontin and thought Lyrica would be even stronger, but probably I should just try it for a while and see how it works for me. Kc Dancer Kc, does Lyrica also work as an antidepressant besides its neurological effects?

Thank you, Oldriska

I had about a 10 lb weight gain, but was dizzy as could be on it. It helped with the pain though, but I have atypical pain and it seemed the longer I took it the less it worked. I also had memory issues, but every drug I take seems to do that to me.


I experince quite bad memory issues on Neurontin but the again when I think back I think I may have had them before I was started on the medication. I think ongoing untreated pain itself does something to your memory, unfortunately:(

Lyrica has the lest amount of side effects compared to other medications Ive had. Weight gain of five pounds and it’s settled to that. Sleepiness, which for me is a good thing as the pain makes it hard to sleep; so I could be sleepy from that. I dont have dry or cotton mouth. The one bummer is it does not take all the pain away for me. Ive been using a time release narcotic for that, but recent dental work has made it so nothing is really working. But that’s another story.
On other medications I have had very thing from liver and kidney issues, low blood counts, hallucanations, scary skin rashes, and medications not giving any relief. So the side affects of lyrica are minor in camparison. The worse you could do is try and not like it. I always think before trying a new medication is maybe this will be the one, but if you don’t try it you’ll never know. Best of luck with it and I hope it helps you.

Qestion To all: How many mg of the Lyrica are you guys taking.

I already had the same reaction to gabapentin 600 mg, but my new Neuro still prescribed 25 mg and I took 2, and instead of making the pain go away it made it worst, to the point that I did not get to sleep all nite and all day. Everytime I closed my eyes and almost fell asleep, the pain on the side of my face would start like crazy and I would have to get up and then it would calm down. As long as I was awake, standing or walking, it did not bother me. Until it wore off after 3 am the next evening and I had taken 300 mg of the oxcarbazepine that I normally take.

I’m currently at 300mg a day, working my way up to 400 or 500mg a day.

I don't believe it has antidepressant in it -- but look at for reveiws

I am at 350 mg. When I take more I get very drowsy. It doesn't block all my pain either, so I have taken it with a variety of other things. I also think that it helps a lot more for the first few weeks that I'm on a higher dose, then the effectiveness drops off a bit. I have been on Lyrica on and off for years now, and I'm resigned to staying on it indefinitely. I have asked to be taken off of it a few times in the past, but there are no better options for me.

It doesn't officially have an antidepressant in it. However, it can help with the depression many people with chronic pain experience by improving your sleep, lessening anxiety, etc. That's the idea that some of the more compassionate doctors have explained to me, anyway. Even if you're not diagnosed with depression, better sleep and mood might help manage your pain.

Dana, please tell me what happened. I feel like since I hate the meds -- all of them -- I always get some weirdness.

Dana Nelson McCullah said:

There are many people who have said they have had positive results on here. I had a bad reaction to it and had more severe reactions than you listed. Mine seem to be an anomaly though so I say go for it! If it doesn't work, (hopefully it will) then you can move on to something else.

Thanks, Kari. How much do you take? I can handle 5 pounds but not 20. I gained that on pamelor and it was a low dose.

Kari said:

Lyrica has the lest amount of side effects compared to other medications Ive had. Weight gain of five pounds and it's settled to that. Sleepiness, which for me is a good thing as the pain makes it hard to sleep; so I could be sleepy from that. I dont have dry or cotton mouth. The one bummer is it does not take all the pain away for me. Ive been using a time release narcotic for that, but recent dental work has made it so nothing is really working. But that's another story.
On other medications I have had very thing from liver and kidney issues, low blood counts, hallucanations, scary skin rashes, and medications not giving any relief. So the side affects of lyrica are minor in camparison. The worse you could do is try and not like it. I always think before trying a new medication is maybe this will be the one, but if you don't try it you'll never know. Best of luck with it and I hope it helps you.

Thanks, Mac. I agree that when I feel better in my mind then my body feels better.

mac said:

I am at 350 mg. When I take more I get very drowsy. It doesn't block all my pain either, so I have taken it with a variety of other things. I also think that it helps a lot more for the first few weeks that I'm on a higher dose, then the effectiveness drops off a bit. I have been on Lyrica on and off for years now, and I'm resigned to staying on it indefinitely. I have asked to be taken off of it a few times in the past, but there are no better options for me.

It doesn't officially have an antidepressant in it. However, it can help with the depression many people with chronic pain experience by improving your sleep, lessening anxiety, etc. That's the idea that some of the more compassionate doctors have explained to me, anyway. Even if you're not diagnosed with depression, better sleep and mood might help manage your pain.