Looking for makeup tips to disguise my droopy eye

I am so self conscious about my facial hemiparesis since surgery.I really need some make up tips to make my droopy eye appear more open. I feel like I don't smile near as much because I feel so self conscious..i would welcome any advice

Hmmm, I don't have any experience in this topic so I did a little watching of YouTube videos for you. I HOPE these might be helpful, but I am not sure. You have probably already done this, but maybe these will help (I hope I am not being a naive idiot here)...




thank you ,I will check them out.I actually havnt looked on you tube.-Thanks again

When did you have your surgery? I had my MVD almost 2 wks ago and woke up with absolutely no feeling on the rt. side of my face. I was very depressed but it is slowly coming back. I am afraid to wear eye makeup because I can't tell if it gets into my eye. Eating is a real challenge.

I hope with time you will get better. I have a funny lopsided smile that I am trying to get use to. Best of luck to you.


My tumor surgery was in 2006. The facial paralysis was much more pronounced right after my surgery .It took almost a year for the surgeon who preformed my surgery to be honest with me about my prognosis, until tlhen I was holding onto the false hopes of regaining my facial movements and looks. At times I still get very depressed and I struggle with self esteem issues . I have come to accept that this is my" new norma'l.As I age as all women do I feel like Its a real struggle to try to make my eye appear open with the hemiparesis.I was just hoping for some tips to try and disquise my droop(lol) as this website has lots of great advice. Im curious about Mvd.I would love to know more about it. I would love to hear your story. I hope you regain nerve function soon. I had a difficult time eating after surgery also.but it eventually..slowly improved. I do know nerves take a very long time to heal ,even if they just get stretched. Its very frustrating as I know you are hoping for a fast recovery, My best advice is to be gentle with your self and give it time.Youve been through a lot. Thanks for commenting-Karen from Ohio