Just dont know?

I woke up with severe pain in my eye and brain.My left side of face is numb.Now I dont know if its the TN or if its because of the exta blood vessel in my brain.This is so scarey not knowing which one it is.My pupil on my left side is still bigger,was told I had adies tonic pupil.

when ever i had or have a just don't know, i would tell my neurologist and he would say, "ROBIN, IT IS ALL OF THE ABOVE". i have a wonderful working relationship w/ my neurologist and we can't always control the pain even w/ narcotics but he always says "ALL OF THE ABOVE"with my variety of s/s...eye pain , facial pain (like a sledge hammer over and over and over on head/face then subside w/ felt like beaten in face for 4 days....ear pain mastoid pain, pain up back middle of head, scalp pain, teeth the entire gammot of pain. poor thing. call dr. re:pupil , i would.

Thanks Robin Lawlor...I dont know if you knew this,I collapsed thursday in my kitchen,my husband called the ambulance and they took notice my left eye wasnt dilating,it looked like I had a stroke,my speech was slurred and couldnt move my left side of body.After the CT scan the radiologist asked if i was admitted,I said I didnt know,then I was.After several mris,I was told I had an extra blood vessel on my left side of brain.Seen the eye specialist and she couldnt figure it out,other doctors came in and looked into my eyes,they were puzzle.Then decided it was adies tonic pupil,but all the sign i had was a stroke.The neuroligist seen me and examined me,he kepted moving my jaw back and forth and really put pressure on my left side,started to cry,he said i had TMJ,I already knew that,he asked me if i was double jointed when he looked at my legs and feet.He didnt like the color of my body,the circulation is really bad.Took 10tubes of blood,5tubes to check for a rare blood disorder,wont know for 2weeks on that.Was told blockages in my neck is 69left,59 right.wont operate until it hits 75.The doctors are saying TN caused this with my eye,but I know the extra blood vessel can bleed or rupture on me,thats why I dont know whats happpening.It just seems like they are waiting for something major to happen to me.I dont want to die like my mom.She had a major stroke,and then a heart attack.The stroke made her like a vegetable.Im trying to get help before this happens to me.


My pain is bad in my eye,the doctor told me in 2weeks he can up the dosage...Im sorry about your pain,and talking makes it worse.I was like that in March from my TN and TMJ.I couldnt eat or talk,all i did was cry.My husband and daughter hates seeing me that way.The only thing my family gets is peace and quiet when I dont talk.I love talking so they get a break from it.LOLI hope your pain leaves soon!