Today at work I tried to explain to a colleague that I really wasn't feeling to great (I'm a bit of a zombie on Tegretol, plus was getting some nasty pains). she said that in her opinion I did not look sick so there couldn't be anything wrong with me.
I've been so sad all day thinking about this. I usually just fight my way through pains, try hard not to let it show. I guess it is pretty hard for others to understand.
I feel your pain. Those around me except for my brother and mother all seem to have swept It under the carpet so to speak. I always hear the ’ but you look fine, tired but fine ’ , ‘you have to be better by now’, ‘no headache lasts that long’, ‘your always sick or tired or in pain’. My favourite one was ‘sure your face would be swollen or red if you were actually in that much pain!!’ sometimes I wish it would show so people could see for themselves.
I find it so so frustrating. I’m very sorry you work colleague is so uneducated in it. Although saying that I never heard of TN till I was living it. It’s very rare that I would meet someone who knew of it. It’s a pity that there is so little awareness about it.
I feel for you. It's hard for people to understand it. Even in the medical field some not knowing what this is, doesn't get it's not just a headache or migraine and it doesn't just go away. My sympathies. I've tried to explain this pain to some but sometimes that doesn't help either.